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C <br />C -117Y OF ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />'G567 2 <br />tv O . <br />SH 'IV <br />public hearing on February 22, 2005 and on a vote of 5-0 recommended that 25 Brown Road <br />South be added to the MUSA; and <br />WHEREAS, the Orono City Council on February 28, 2005 voted 5-0 to <br />conditionally approve an amendment of the 2000-2020 Community Management Plan (CMP) to <br />include 25 Brown Road South in the Metropolitan Urban Service Area subject to Metropolitan <br />Council review and approval, and directed City staff to prepare such an amendment and submit it <br />to the Metropolitan Council for review and approval; and <br />WHEREAS, on May 19, 2005 documentation for the proposed amendment was <br />submitted to the Metropolitan Council for review and approval, and written notice was sent to <br />neighboring cities and other potentially affected governmental jurisdictions, requesting written <br />comment; and <br />WHEREAS, additional supportive information was submitted to the <br />Metropolitan Council as requested; and <br />WHEREAS, on January 25, 2007 the Metropolitan Council indicated to the City <br />via letter that the 2000-2020 CMP Amendment to include 25 Brown Road South within the <br />MUSA is in conformance with regional system plans for transportation and parks, is consistent <br />with the 2030 Regional Development Framework and Council policies, and is compatible with <br />the plans of adjacent jurisdictions. The letter indicated that while the amendment does not <br />conform to the Regional System Plan for Water Resource Management, because the property is <br />already developed with one single family home with a failing septic system, the amendment has <br />no impact on and does not represent a substantial departure from the regional water resources <br />system plan; and therefore the City may place the amendment into effect with no modifications. <br />The Met Council staff memo indicated approval would be subject to the condition that Orono is <br />required to participate in the Met Council's plat monitoring program, and must submit a copy of <br />the Orono -Long Lake Sewer Agreement upon its finalization. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of <br />Orono hereby amends the 2000-2020 City of Orono Community Management Plan Part 4C, <br />Comprehensive Sewer Policy Plan (CSPP) by incorporating into the MUSA the property at 25 <br />Brown Road South described in attached Exhibit A, finding that: <br />1. The amendment meets the intent of the basic goals, objectives and policies set forth in the <br />2000-2020 CMP. <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />