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Resolution 5648
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 5600 - 5699 (April 25, 2007 - December 3, 2007)
Resolution 5648
Entry Properties
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X <br />`0 CITY of ORONO <br />s G~� RESOLUTION OF THE CIT COUNCIL <br />\$EgfiO4� NO. J E? Q <br />the Properties, as shown in the survey attached as Exhibit C, and resulting in new legal <br />descriptions for each as shown in Exhibit D; and <br />WHEREAS, at their regular meeting held on August 13, 2007, the Orono City <br />Council considered the proposed subdivision of a lot line rearrangement, noting the <br />following findings of fact: <br />The Properties are located within the RR -1B, One Family Rural <br />Residential Zoning District requiring a minimum of 200 feet in lot width <br />and 2.0 acres of contiguous dry buildable land within each newly created <br />lot. <br />2. The proposed lot line rearrangement encompasses two residential lots and <br />one Outlot, containing a total of 10.75 acres of land. <br />Upon completion of the lot line rearrangement, 290 Woodhill Road will <br />contain 2.0 acres and over 200 feet in defined width which will continue to <br />be conforming with respect to lot area and lot width within the RR -113, <br />One Family Rural Residential Zoning District. <br />4. Upon completion of the lot line rearrangement, 315 Woodhill Road will <br />contain approximately 8.75 acres and over 200 feet in defined width which <br />will continue to be conforming with respect to lot area and lot width <br />within the RR -1B, One Family Rural Residential Zoning District. <br />Because the subdivision is not creating a new buildable site, no park fees <br />will be due. Additionally, the properties are not subject to Storm Water <br />and Drainage Trunk Fees. <br />6. The lot line rearrangement results in no setback deficiencies for the <br />existing structures on the Properties. <br />At the time that the subdivision of Woodhill Ridge Second Addition was <br />created, Parcel 2 and Parcel 3 were bound by a "Special Lot Combination <br />Agreement' establishing that they shall remain in common ownership in <br />perpetuity, because of their proximity and the lack of an appropriate <br />abutting property for attachment of Parcel 3. The proposed lot line <br />rearrangement now allows for a detachment and recombination involving <br />the abutting parcels. <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />
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