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��Ae <br />ti <br />J� <br />CITY of ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO._ 5624 <br />A RESOLUTION GRANTING VARIANCES <br />TO MUNICIPAL ZONING CODE SECTIONS <br />78-1279, 78-1288 AND A <br />CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT PURSUANT TO <br />MUNICIPAL ZONING CODE <br />SECTIONS 78-1250 AND 78-1286 <br />FILE NO. 07-3283 <br />WHEREAS, Steven M. Sigel and Sheila E. Sigel, husband and wife <br />(hereinafter "the applicants") are the owners of the property located at 1399 Park Drive <br />within the City of Orono (hereinafter the "City") and legally described as follows: <br />See attached Exhibit A, (hereinafter the "property"); and <br />WHEREAS, the applicants have made application to the City of Orono <br />for a conditional use permit pursuant to Orono Municipal Zoning Code Sections 78-1250 <br />and 78-1286 to allow construction of an addition to the existing home, which includes <br />reconstruction and reorientation of the existing retaining wall system between the home <br />and the street side of the property; and <br />WHEREAS, the applicants have made application to the City of Orono <br />for a variance to Orono Municipal Zoning Code Section 78-1288 in order to allow <br />hardcover within the 0-75' zone of 1.1% (60 s.f.) where 0% is normally allowed and <br />1.1% currently exists; and 40% (5,627 s.f) within the 75'-250' zone where 25% is <br />normally allowed and 43% currently exists; and 59.3% (1,449 s.f) within the 250'-500' <br />zone where 30% is normally allowed and 59.3% currently exists in conjunction with a <br />home addition and reorientation of existing retaining walls, and front walk; and <br />WHEREAS, the applicants have made application to the City of Orono <br />for a variance to Orono Municipal Zoning Code Section 78-1279 in order for home <br />additions to be ahead of the average lakeshore setback. <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of <br />Orono, Minnesota: <br />Page I of 5 <br />