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;eV <br />rl <br />F <br />J� <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. <br />The applicant's request for a permanent hardcover variance/allotment for the 75-250' <br />zone of Lot 2 shall not be granted. The amount of existing hardcover within Lot 2 in the <br />pre- and post -subdivision condition shall be documented by the applicant. When Lot 2 is <br />redeveloped it shall meet the hardcover standards, or shall be the subject of a separate <br />hardcover variance at the time it is redeveloped that will be reviewed on its own merits. <br />8. A formal `waiver' of the average setback- ordinance with respect to Lots 1 and 2 shall be <br />granted based on the configuration of the property. <br />9. The only accessory structure allowed in Outlot A shall be the private tennis court, and it <br />is specifically granted a variance to be 10' from the new street lot line. Ownership of <br />Outlot A may be either by one, some, or all of the owners of Lots 1 and 2 and the owner <br />of 1480 Bracketts Point Road. <br />10. Relocated sewer main lines will become owned by the City. The existing sewer lines to <br />be abandoned shall be removed. <br />11. Since no additional building lots are being created, no park dedication fees or stormwater <br />& drainage trunk fees will be required. <br />12. Prior to Final Plat Approval, the Developer shall provide a grading and drainage plan <br />addressing stormwater management, subject to approval by the City Engineer. Approval is <br />subject to Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) approval and permits as required. <br />Final plat approval shall not be granted until the Developer has provided evidence that all <br />required MCWD permits have been obtained, and the City Engineer has approved the <br />grading and drainage plan. The Developer shall establish covenants providing that the <br />homeowners association will be responsible for all future maintenance of stormwater <br />management facilities. In the event that stormwater management facilities are required that <br />include ponding areas that are not within the standard perimeter drainage and .utility <br />easements, such ponding shall be subject to a drainage easement and if necessary the lot line <br />between Lots 1 and 2 shall be revised so that Lot 1 contains at least 2.00 acres exclusive of <br />the pond areas below the OHW. <br />13. City Engineer Approval. Approval is subject to the ongoing recommendations of the <br />City Engineer. <br />Page 5 of 11 <br />