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Resolution 5607
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 5600 - 5699 (April 25, 2007 - December 3, 2007)
Resolution 5607
Entry Properties
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8/7/2015 7:38:04 AM
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2/25/2016 1:38:17 PM
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��� <br />CITY of ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 5607 <br />2. The backup `T' area and the first 40' of proposed road shall be platted and dedicated as <br />public road, as shown on Exhibit A. <br />3. Outlot B shall be 40' in width up to a point approximately 40' west of the tennis court, <br />then narrowing to 30' out to the cul-de-sac. The paved road shall be 20' in width its entire <br />length. A 10' clear space for snow storage shall be maintained either side of the paved <br />road, as follows: a 5' drainage and utility easement shall be created within the Headrick <br />property; the standard 10' drainage & utility easement shall be established within Lot 1 <br />along Outlot B; and a covenant shall be established allowing no fences within 10' either <br />side of the pavement, as well as a covenant requiring that the private road be maintained <br />in all seasons to its paved width and not allowed to be narrowed. <br />4. The cul-de-sac right-of-way shall be allowed to remain at 90' diameter, and the internal <br />island shall be reduced to allow for a 20' paved width loop with an outside dimension of <br />80' diameter. Within Lots 1 and 2 abutting the cul-de-sac bubble, the required perimeter <br />drainage and utility easement shall be increased to 15' as shown on Exhibit A. <br />5. Approval is subject to provision of the standard Road, Drainage and Utility Easements to <br />be granted to the City over the road outlot. The developer shall establish a homeowners <br />association as well as the necessary road maintenance agreements, etc. to ensure that the <br />private road will be maintained to reasonable standards at all times by a homeowner's <br />association, and that failure of that private group to so maintain their private road will be <br />cause for the City to accomplish needed maintenance and to assess the benefitted <br />properties for the direct cost of such maintenance. The private road shall be subject to a <br />"Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Private Roadway Easement" to <br />be executed by the Developer either as a separate document or incorporated into the <br />development covenants. The private road shall be constructed to a 20 -foot paved width, <br />rural section. In the event that adequate stormwater management dictates the need for <br />sections of curb and gutter, final road design plans indicating the extent of the curb and <br />gutter system shall be submitted for Council review prior to final plat approval. <br />6. The applicant's request for a hardcover variance for the "Woods" cabin shall be granted <br />based on the historic presence of that structure; the exact amounts of hardcover <br />associated with that structure shall be documented prior to final plat approval; said cabin <br />shall not be required to be removed if/when the principal residence on Lot 2 is removed. <br />Page 4 of 11 <br />
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