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Sec.13.04 RIGHTS OF SUBJECTS OF DATA <br /> Subd. I. Typc of data. Thc rights of individual on whom thc data is srorcd or to bc storcd shall hc as sct forth in this scction. <br /> Subd.2. Information rcquircd to he givcn individual. An individual askcd to supply privatc or confidcntial clata canccrning himsclfshall bc <br /> informcd of: (a)thc purposc and intcndcd usc of thc rcqucstcd data within thc collccting statc agcncy,political subdivision,or statcwidc systcm;(b) <br /> whcthcn c�may refusc or is lcgally rcquircd to supply thc rcqucstcd data;(c)any known conscqucncc arising from his supplying or refusing to supply <br /> privatc or confidcntial data;and(d)thc idcntity of othcr persons or cntitics authorizcd by statc or Ccdcral law to rcccivc�hc da4�. This rcyuiromcnt shall <br /> not apply whcn an individual is askcd to supply invcstigativc data,pursuant to scction 13.82,subdivision 5,to a law enforccntcnt officcr. <br /> Thc commissioncr of rcvcnuc may placc thc noticc rcquircd undcr this subdivision in thc individual incomc t1x or proacrty t1x rcfund <br /> instructions instcad of on thosc forms. <br /> Subd.3. Access to data by individual. Upon rcqucst to a responsiblc aud�ority,an individual shall bc informcd whcthcnc�is thc suhjcctof <br /> stored data on individuals,and whcthcr it is classificd as public,priva�c or confidcntial. Upon his furthcr rcqucst,�n individual who is thc subjcct of <br /> storcd privatc or public data on individuals shall bc shown thc d�ta without any chargc to him and,if hc dcsires,shall bc informcd of thc contcnt and <br /> mcaning of that data. Aftcr an individual has bccn shown thc privatc data and infonncd of its mcaning,thc data nccd not bc discloscd to him for six <br /> months thcrcaftcr unicss a disputc or action p�rsuant to this scction is pcnding or additional data on thc individuaj has bccn collcctcd or crcatcd. Thc <br /> responsiblc authority shall providc copics of thc privatc or public data upon rcqucst by thc individual subjcet of thc data. Thc responsiblc authority <br /> may rcquirc thc rcqucsting person to pay thc actual costs of making,ccrtifying,and compiling thc copics. <br /> Thc responsiblc authoriry shall comply itnmediatcly,if possiblc,with any roqucst madc pursuant to this subdivision,or within fivc days of <br /> thc datc of dic rcqucst,cxcluding Sawrdays,Sundays and Icgal holidays,if immcdiatccompliancc is not possihlc. Ifhc cannotcomply with thc rcqucst <br /> within that timc,hc shall so infonn thc individual,and may havc an addi[ional fivc days within which to comply with thc rcqucst,cxcluding Saturdays, <br /> Sundays and lcgal holidays. <br /> Subd.4. Proccdurcwhcndataisnot�ccuratcorcomplc�c. nnindividunlinaycontcstthsaccuracyurcomplctcncssufpublicorprivatcdnta <br /> conccrning himsclC To cxcrcisc ihis right,nn individu�l shall no�ify in writing ihc rc�ponsiblc�uthority dcscrihing thc naturc ofthc disagrccmcnt. 'I hc <br /> responsiblc�uU�ority shall within 30 days cithcr. (a)corrcct thc data found to bc inaccuratc or incomplctc and attcmpt to no�ify past rccipicnts of <br /> inaccuratc or incomplctc data,including rocipicnts namcd by thc individual;or(b)notify thc individua)that hc bclicvcs thc data ro bc cortcct Data in <br /> disputc shall bc disclosed only if thc individual's smtcmcnt of disagrccmcnt is includcd with dic discloscd data. <br /> Thc dcLcrmination of thc responsiblc authority may bc appcalcci pursuant to ihc provieions of ihc administritivc proccdurc act rclating to <br /> contcstcd cascs. <br /> DATA PRIVACY ADVISORY <br /> in accordance with M.S. f 3.04,Subd.2,"Rights of subjects of data",we would like to inform you that your request <br /> for a permit or license from the City of Orono or any of its departments may require you to furnish certain private or <br /> confidential information. <br /> You are notified that: <br /> 1. The information you furnish will be used to determine your qualitication for the permit or license <br /> requested. <br /> 2. You may refuse to supply data,but refusal may require that the City deny the permit or license. <br /> 3. The information may be shared with other local, state or fcderal agencies to the extent necessaiy to <br /> process the permit or license. <br /> 4. If your requested pennit or license requires Council action to approve,some information may become <br /> public. <br /> 5. . You have certain rights under M.S. 13.04(available upon requcst)to review private data on yourself. <br /> 6. Your full name is required to process this application or permit. <br /> First Middle Last <br /> Ad d ress <br /> City State 7ip Phone <br /> I understand m ' ht �s stated ve. <br /> , _. Z 1� /a _ <br /> r� �+ <br /> Signature � ' <br /> 32 <br />