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CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> No. 6410 <br /> 'SES H OR <br /> CONCLUSIONS, ORDER AND CONDITIONS <br /> Based upon the above findings, the Orono City Council hereby grants variances to Orono <br /> Code Section 78-305(b) to construct a replacement residence on the Property with a 33 feet <br /> from the rear/street proeprty line where a 50 foot setback is required; and a side setback <br /> variance to allow a 27.2 foot side yard setback where a 30 foot setback is required; and a <br /> rear/street setback variance to allow an existing stone building to remain 0' from the property <br /> line where a 50-foot setback is normally required; and Orono Code Section 78-1279 to <br /> construct a replacement residence on the Property with a lake setback of 47 feet when a 75 <br /> foot setback is required and for an average lakeshore setback variance to permit portions of <br /> the proposed home to encroach closer to the lake than the adjacent residence; to Orono <br /> Code Section 78-1288 to permit 1,183 square feet or 3.9% hardcover within the 0-75-foot <br /> zone where no hardcover is allowed; and to Orono Code Section 78-1438 to allow the new <br /> residence to be located 8.4 feet from the existing stone structure where a 10-foot setback is <br /> normally required. Further, the Orono City Council grants a conditional use permit per Orono <br /> Code Sections 78-966, 78-967 and 78-1286 for land alteration to conduct grading activity <br /> within the 0 to 75 foot zone and within the floodplain in conjunction with removal of the <br /> existing home and construction of the new home. The above variances and conditional use <br /> permit are granted subject to the following conditions: <br /> 1. Council approval is based on the survey and grading plan, hardcover calculations and <br /> the house plans submitted by the Applicant and annotated by City staff, attached to <br /> this Resolution as Exhibits B, C and D. Any amendments to the plans may require <br /> further Planning Commission and City Council review. <br /> 2. Hardcover in the 0-75' zone shall be limited to 1,183 square feet or 3.9% of the <br /> home-site portion of the Property per the proposed survey/site plan and hardcover <br /> allowance summary as depicted on Exhibits B and C. The Applicant is advised that <br /> any future requests to increase hardcover within the 0-75' zone or change the nature <br /> of existing/approved hardcover shall require City approval, and increases in <br /> hardcover within the 0-75' zone will not likely be approved. <br /> 3. Applicant shall not place any plastic or fabric liner material under any landscaping on <br /> the property to ensure their permeability as non-hardcover surfaces. <br /> 4. Council approval is based on the grading and floodplain mitigation plan submitted by <br /> the Applicant and annotated by City staff, attached to this Resolution as Exhibit B. <br /> Any amendments to the plan may require further Planning Commission and City <br /> Council review. <br /> Page 5 of 7 <br />