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Resolution 957
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 0900 - 0999 (April 13, 1978 - February 27, 1979)
Resolution 957
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11/16/2015 11:01:54 AM
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I. PREAMBLE (Cont.) <br />• 2. Condition of Approval The subdivision was approved by <br />the City Council with the explicit understanding that the public road <br />would be modified to provide a safe intersection and that the City <br />and the Subdivider would share in the cost of such modification. The <br />work was not done prior to approval of the subdivision because of a <br />desire to incorporate this modification at the time of installation <br />of the pending metropolitan sanitary sewer interceptor in Orono Orchard <br />Road. Such a joint project would minimize costs and disruptions on <br />the road. <br />0 <br />n <br />3. Use of Intersection The City Council cannot permit <br />use of the installed private road until the required modifications <br />are completed. Consequently, the Subdivider has installed a temporary <br />access road across Lot 12, Orono Oaks. The Subdivider will barricade <br />the new private road and use only the temporary access road until the <br />agreed upon modifications are completed. <br />II. AGREEMENT <br />1. Work Required The City and the Subdivider hereby agree <br />that the platting and construction of a private road (Orono Oaks Drive- <br />Outlot A, Orono Oaks) has mandated modification of Orono Orchard Road <br />(hereinafter the "public road") to assure a safe intersection of the <br />two roads. The required modification to the public road shall consist <br />of lowering the grade on the crest of a hill at the intersection of <br />the two roads to conform to Minnesota Department of Transportation <br />Standards for safe sight and stopping distances on a 30 MPH road. <br />2. Work Described Such modification shall be accomplished <br />by removal of approximately six (6.0) feet from the crest of the hill <br />located approximately 150' north of the intersection and by creation <br />of no less than a 400' vertical curve over said hill. This modification <br />shall also require modification and replacement of a portion of the private <br />road, a private driveway on the west side of the public road and a private <br />driveway to the MWCC sewer plant. Final design of modifications to the <br />public road shall be the responsibility of the Orono City Engineer. <br />3. Completion Before Use The above work shall be completed <br />before use of the private road is authorized by the City. <br />4. Completion Date The above work shall be accomplished no <br />later than September 1, 1979. <br />
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