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Resolution 957
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 0900 - 0999 (April 13, 1978 - February 27, 1979)
Resolution 957
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11/16/2015 11:01:54 AM
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11/16/2015 11:01:54 AM
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easements over, under, or across the Common Roadway, Common Driveway <br />and Utility and Drainage Easements for the installation and main- <br />tenance of electrical and telephone conduit and lines, natural gas <br />pipes, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, water pipes, cable television <br />or other -utility services to serve any Lot. <br />5. No Dedication to'Public Use. Nothing contained in <br />this Declaration shall be construed or be deemed to -constitute <br />dedication, express or implied, of any part of the Common Roadway <br />or Common Driveway to or for any public use or purpose whatsoever. <br />6.• Membership and Voting Rights in Association. <br />A. Membership. Every Owner of a Lot subject to assess- <br />ment, except as herein provided to the contrary, shall be entitldd <br />and required to be a member of the Association. If title to a Lot <br />is held by more than one person, each of such persons shall be a <br />• member. An Owner of more than one Lot shall be entitled to one <br />membership for each such Lot. Each such membership shall be <br />appurtenant to the Lot upon which it is based and shall transfer <br />automatically by voluntary or involuntary conveyance of the title <br />of that Lot. No person or entity other than an Owner or Declarant <br />may be a member of the Association, and a membership in the Associa- <br />tion may not be transferred except in connection with the transfer <br />of title to that Lot. <br />B. Transfer. It -shall be the responsbility of each <br />Owner, upon becoming entitled to membership, to so notify the <br />Association in writing, and until so notified, the Association may <br />continue to carry the name of'the former Owner as a member, in its <br />sole discretion. In the event the Owner of any Lot should fail: <br />0 - or refuse to transfer the membership registered in his name to the <br />transferee of the title of -such Lot, the Association shall have the <br />right to record the transfer upon the books of the Association and <br />issue a new membership to the transferee, and thereupon the old <br />membership outstanding in the name of the transferor shall be null <br />and void as though the same had been surrendered. <br />-5- <br />
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