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Resolution 957
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 0900 - 0999 (April 13, 1978 - February 27, 1979)
Resolution 957
Entry Properties
Last modified
11/16/2015 11:01:54 AM
Creation date
11/16/2015 11:01:54 AM
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1. Definitions. The following words when used in this <br />Declaration (unless the context shall prohibit) shall have the <br />following meanings: <br />A. "Property" shall mean Lots 1 through 13, both <br />inclusive, Block 1, and Outlot A, all in Orono Oaks, Hennepin <br />County, Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof. <br />B. "Owner" shall mean the record owner, whether one <br />or more persons or entitles, of a fee simple title to any Lot which <br />is a part of the Property including contract sellers, but excluding <br />those having such interest merely as security for the performance <br />of an obligation. <br />C. "Common Roadway" shall mean Outlot A, Orono Oaks, <br />Hennepin County, Minnesota, and shall be converted to the Association <br />prior to the first conveyance of a Lot by Declarant. <br />• D. "Common Driveway" shall mean a 30.0 foot strip over <br />and across that part of Lots 10 and 13, Block 1, Orono Oaks, Hennepin <br />County, Minnesota,according to the recorded plat thereof, being, 15.0 <br />feet on each side of the following described line: <br />Commencing at the most southerly corner of said Lot 13; - <br />thence on an assumed bearing of North 47 degrees 22 <br />minutes 39 seconds West, along the southwesterly line <br />line of said Lot 13 a distance of 198.02 feet to the <br />point of beginning; thence North 67 degrees East, <br />245.00 feet; thence North 41 degrees East, 190.00 <br />feet; thence North 55 degrees East, 60.00 feet; thence <br />North 76 degrees East, 55.00 feet; thence North 84 <br />degrees East, 115.00 feet;,`thence North 57 degrees <br />East,.50 feet and said line there terminating. <br />E. "Drainage Easements" shall mean those certain <br />portions of Lots so designated on the plat of Orono Oaks, but not in- <br />cluding "utility and drainage easements" as therein designated. <br />F. "Utility and Drainage Easements" shall mean those <br />certain portions of Lots so designated on the plat of Orono Oaks, but <br />not including "drainage easements" as therein designated. <br />G. "Lot" shall mean any of the following: <br />Lots 1 through 13, both inclusive, Block 1, Orono <br />Oaks, Hennepin County, Minnesota. <br />-2- <br />
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