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CJ <br />Resolution No. 942 <br />Page 2 <br />2. At least nine regulation parking spaces shall be <br />provided on the premises. <br />3. Vehicle access shall be controlled by installation <br />of curbing and signing as shown on attached Exhibit A: <br />Only one exit, not to exceed 26' wide onto Shoreline Dr-; <br />only one entrance not to exceed 24' wide from Navarre <br />Avenue;.one existing entrance to rear area from Navarre <br />Avenue: "Enter Only" and "Exit Only" signs as shown. <br />4. A landscaped area, minimum 5' wide, location as shown <br />on Exhibit A, shall be installed between the required <br />curbing area and shall include grass, shrubs or similar <br />landscaping cover. <br />5. Curbing, landscaping and signage shall be installed <br />at applicant's or owner's expense prior to issuance of <br />the Zoning Occupancy Permit and_/or any opening of the <br />premises for business. <br />• 6. Completion of the above work prior to occupancy may <br />be waived provided applicant/owner submits to the City, <br />in.a form acceptable to the City, a letter of credit for <br />$2,000 providing that the applicant/owner will install <br />the required work prior to December 1, 1978.• Failure <br />to so perform the work will result in forfeiture of the <br />$2,000 and commencement of the work by the City. <br />7. All work on the County highway right of way is subject <br />to the approval of and a permit from the Hennepin.County <br />Department of Transportation. <br />8. Any construction or remodeling of the building is <br />subject to applicable City building permits: <br />9. The applicant and the property owner(s) shall review <br />and approve the conditions of this resolution, which <br />approval shall be indicated by.signature hereon prior <br />to the effective date of approval. The approval granted <br />by this- resolution shall expire on March 26, 1979 if by <br />that date the improvements have not been made and the property <br />has not been occupied according to the terms of this approval. <br />11 <br />