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SPECIAL PROVISIONS <br />VII. Receipt h hereby acknowledge of S DOES as payment for NOT cubic yards of Sano, gravel <br />or rock and APPLY cubic yards of muck and silt, albe estimated amount of material to be removed hereur.6,., <br />computed at the rate of ten cents per cubic yard for sand and gravel and two cents per cubic yard for muck and silt, <br />Permittee agrees by acceptance of this permit as shown by commencement of work authorized hereunder to pay, by certified check, bank or <br />postal money order, made payable to the State Treasurer and delivered to the Director. Division of Waters, Soils and Minerals. Department of <br />Natural Resources, Centennial Office Building, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101, for any material removed from the bed of public waters in excess of <br />that so estimated, at the above rate within thrity days after completion of the work authorized hereunder. <br />VIII. That portion of the channel in Section 16, T.1179 R.23 will be dredged with a dragline <br />and materials barged off the site and that portion of the channel in Section 219 T.1179 <br />R.23'will be dredged with the use of a hydraulic dredge and pumped to an upland dredge <br />retention sitep which has been approved by the City of Orono and the Pollution Control <br />Agency and owned by the Freshwater'Biological Institute. <br />SEE ADDITIONAL ATTACHED SPECIAL PROVISIONS. <br />cc: '.Ninnpehaha Creek Vatershed District - <br />• City of Orono 1 - <br />S- -' <br />Pe C.A. <br />s Bea Bansf er, Conservation Officer DATED AT ST. PAUL„ MINNESOTA, THIS ' DAY OF <br />U.S. CMZ.s -Permits -BranchIx X#rMffi'*Xflr <br />VZ <br />• City of Minnetonka w�swn o t <br />