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Resolution 913
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 0900 - 0999 (April 13, 1978 - February 27, 1979)
Resolution 913
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11/16/2015 10:23:43 AM
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11/16/2015 10:23:43 AM
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Resolution No. <br />Page 3 <br />5. Upon construction of•the dike, a sign shall be erected at the <br />applicant's cost•on the disposal site, visible.from Old Beach <br />Road and at.a location acceptable to the City inspector, which <br />sign shall be as follows: <br />Size: no less than 3' high by 5' long <br />on posts at least 6' high. <br />Material: wood or metal with white painted <br />surface and red, black or blue letters. <br />Legend: West Shore LaFayette Bay Association <br />Fresh Water Biological Institute <br />RESEARCH PROJECT (Larger letters) - <br />Effects of Dredging & Nutrient Release <br />Permits granted by: <br />Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources <br />Minnesota Pollution Control Agency <br />Minnehaha Creek Watershed District <br />City of Orono <br />6.- Prior to the start of dredging,.the FWBI shall sample the waters <br />of LaF4yette Bay and the FWBI marsh for turbidity and for nutrient <br />• levels and shall submit a report of same to the City. <br />7. During the dredging operation, the FWBI shall daily monitor <br />turbidity of LaFayette Bay water and shall submit weekly reports <br />• of same to the: City. <br />8. Pr1or_to dischArge.of-marsh water to the lake, -the FWBI.shall <br />monitor the concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus and dissolved <br />organic carbon in the FWBI-marsh, shall weekly submit reports of <br />same to the City, and shall prohibit discharge of -marsh water to <br />LaFayette Bay until concentration levels are equal to or lower <br />than LaFayette Bay levels. <br />9. After completion of the dredging and release of the marsh water <br />to LaFayette Bay, the FWBI shall prepare a comprehensive report <br />including conclusions gained from -the study and shall submit same <br />to the City, the MNDNR and the MPGA. <br />•�10. If, -at any time during the dredging operation, the nutrient levels <br />in the marsh water or outlet to LaFayette Bay rise to a point <br />determined by the City to be detrimental to Lake Minnetonka, the <br />City reserves the right to enforce a stop work order prohibiting <br />further dredging activity until the nutrient levels are reduced. <br />
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