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Z. <br />Resolution No. <br />Page 2 <br />4. 'The dredging will only remove silt from within the existing <br />channel and will not affect the hard lake bottom. <br />5. The dredging will be done according to the conditions of the <br />MNDNR permit No. 78-6325'.attached hereto as Exhibit B. <br />6. The dredge spoils will be deposited on property owned by the Fresh <br />Water Biological Research Foundation as shown on Exhibit C attached. <br />7. The Hennepin Soil and Water Conservation District has determined <br />that the disposal site is dry land and not wetland or marsh land. <br />8. The spoils disposal will be a settling basin behind earthen dikes <br />as noted on Exhibit D attached and as regulated by MPGA state <br />disposal system permit (application attached as Exhibit E). <br />9. The effluent from the disposal area will be contained within <br />the large FWBI wetlands and the wetlands water qua4ty.will be <br />daily monitored by FWBI staff as a research experiment as noted <br />on Exhibit F attached. <br />AND, BE IT FURTHERMORE RESOLVED, that based upon the above <br />noted findings of fact, the City Council of the City of Orono does <br />hereby grant to the West Shore LaFayette Bay Association a Conditional <br />Use Permit for dredging and spoils disposal subject to the following <br />conditions: <br />1. Dik-b construction shall be -subject to a building permit, which <br />permit.may-be issued by staff upon receipt of permits by the <br />MCWD and-MPCA and upon payment of the building permit fee. <br />2. Dike Construction shall be subject to the approval of the City <br />engineer prior to the start of any dredging. <br />3. The -culvert under Old Beach Road (between the FWBI marsh and <br />Lake Minnetonka) shall be -sealed to the satisfaction of the <br />City engineer prior'to the start of any dredging. <br />4. Dredging may not begin until receipt by the City of permits from <br />the MNDNR and MCWD and until at least 24-hour notice be given to <br />the City inspector. <br />