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Permit No: MND 050075 <br />2 NOT eA114/ T E <br />just 15 1978 P U B L I C H D- T I C E• 9/._�__ <br />VILLAGE 0R OROKa for the <br />STATE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT PROGRAM <br />Minnesota Statutes Chapters 115 and 116 as *amended and Agency Regulation WPC 36 <br />Proposed State Disposal System Permit to Construct Wastewater Treatment Facilities <br />Minnesota Pollution Control -Agency <br />1935 West County Road B2 <br />Roseville, Minnesota 55113 <br />Attn: Permits,Section <br />Public Notice Nu: Pubic Notice Issued On: <br />• 84D-151 <br />JUN 15 1978 <br />Name and Address of Applicant:. Name and Location of Facility: <br />West Shore Lafayette Bay Association <br />2440 Old Beach Road <br />Wayzata, Minnesota 55391 <br />Dredge• Spoi l Disposal Facility <br />on the property of Freshwater <br />Biological Research Institute <br />in the N h of Section 21, <br />T117N, R 23 W in the city of <br />Orono, Hennepin County <br />Facility'Description <br />The applicant indicates that .the facility consists of: <br />A settTing•basin with a volume of over 70,000 cubic yards which will -provide <br />3 weeks -detention.* 'The settling basin dikes will have a minimum of 2 feet <br />of freeboard with dikes at or. above an elevation of 940 feet. The slope of <br />the dikes will be 2 horizontal to 1 vertical. After filling for period of <br />9 to 12 days the basin will discharge approximately 720,000 gallons per <br />day. The.basin will contain spoils dredgedfrom'2300 feet of channel and <br />will ultimately hold 13,000 cubic. yards of*sp61ls. The wetland which <br />the- disposal system will discharge to will be parti al ly. bl ocked and water <br />quality will be monitored to .insure 'that nutrient levels are_ less than <br />that in Lake Minnetonka before any water discharges from the wetland will <br />be allowed.-­-fbis permit shall require monitoring at the outfall from the <br />disposal system (outfall 20100)'at elevation 937.5 near the intersection <br />of old Beach Road and County -Road No. -19.- <br />