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Resolution 913
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 0900 - 0999 (April 13, 1978 - February 27, 1979)
Resolution 913
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11/16/2015 10:23:43 AM
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11/16/2015 10:23:43 AM
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The West Lafayette Bay Association and WAWAPADC, the hat! lic 9 <br />dredging contractor, hereby provide the information requested by the <br />• Planning Commission. <br />1. The slurry volume based on eight hours pumping per day at 1500 gal/min <br />1500 x 60 min. x 8 hours = 720,000 gals/day AE)(IIAS / % D <br />720,000 = 96256 cu. ft. = 3565 cu- yds/day REsO L, <br />7.48 27 <br />3565 cu. yds x 5.5 = 19607 cu. yds/week <br />2. The dikes will be constructed by pushing up dirt from inside the <br />disposal area with a D-6 Cat to elevation of 940 feet and 942 feet <br />as shown on attached contour section. Seal of dikes insured by <br />compaction of D-6 going up inside of dikes. <br />3. The Spoil Area will have two berms with a total capacity of approx- <br />imately 70,000 cu. yds. This will provide retention of water and <br />spoils for over 3 weeks. With normal evaporation and absorbtion <br />there may be no discharge from the berms. (3 x 19607 = 58821 cu. yd.) <br />4. Daily monitoring of dikes and possible water discharge will be <br />done with lab tests three times per week as per MPCA requirements <br />for any possible discharge from berms. <br />5. With culvert from wetlands to Lake Minnetonka blocked, the water <br />quality of the wetland will be tested to insure that the nutrients <br />are less than Lake Minnetonka levels before any water discharges <br />from the wetland are allowed to flow into the lake. <br />6. Dredging will stop if any possibility of overflow seems possible <br />from marsh. <br />7. Culvert will be partially blocked before dredging starts to allow <br />run-off from any rainfall until berms are nearly full and then <br />it will be blocked completely. <br />YILZAGF GH CnONO <br />
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