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(Resolution ##59 Continued) <br />operate the Lateral Sanitary Sewer Improvement of 1964. <br />WHEREAS, the village attorneys have prepared a petition to <br />the District Court of and for the County of Hennepin, State of <br />Minnesota, for the acquisition by condemnation of said easements. { <br />WHEREAS, a true and correct copy of said petition is attached <br />hereto. On file in the office of the -Village Clerk) . <br />WHER-3AS,•the description of said easements are attached to <br />7 <br />said petition and hereto as exhibits nos. 1 through 16, inclusive, <br />said easements are therbin designated as parcel numbers 1 through <br />22, inclusive. <br />WIirEREAS., the easements sought in said petition are necessary <br />and incidental to the construction of the Lateral Sanitary Sewer <br />Improvement of 1964. <br />,s <br />WHEREAS, the easements sought in said petition are those <br />easements designated, set forth and required by the approved plans <br />of William'T. Mills, referred to above; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED. by the Village Council of the <br />Village of Orono, Minnesota as follows: <br />1. Those permanent utility easements, temporary construction <br />easements and.sanitary'sewer lift station easements required for -the <br />completion and constriction and operation of the Lateral Sanitary�{� <br />Sewer Improvement of 1964, as such are indicated by the approved plans; <br />referred to above"`and as such are described .in the attached petition <br />with exhibits numbers 1 through 16, inclusive, attac�ied thereto and <br />designated therein as parcel nos. l through 22, inclusive, shall <br />hereby'be acquired by purchase or condemnation, and"further the Mayor <br />of the Village of Orono shall be and'is,•hereby authorized' t.o.,execute <br />said petition for acquisition by condemnation a copy of which is <br />attached hereto and further the village attorneys shall be and are. <br />hereby authorized to commence the -6ondemnation proceedings temp <br />,4 by said petition. <br />ti <br />2. That the acquisition of said easements by said condemnation r <br />proceedings is necessary and and incidental to the completion, <br />construction,and operation'of the Lateral Sanitary Sewer Improvements ,i <br />of 1964v and that such acquisition is for a public use as provided <br />for and authorized by law. <br />Adopted by the Village Council of the Village of Orono, Minnesota <br />at a.regular.meeting held July 13, 1964. <br />i - OnAAA <br />H. R. Ross, lvlayor <br />'Attest:,,`,' <br />Donald J. -Bol , Clerk <br />