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• <br />• <br />4 <br />CITY of ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 54 0 6 <br />12. Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Approval. This subdivision approval is subject to <br />MCWD approvals and permits as required. The final plat shall not be released for filing <br />until the Subdividers have provided evidence that all required MCWD permits have been <br />obtained. <br />13. Private Road. The Subdividers shall create a private road on the Property providing <br />access to Fox Street. Approval is subject to provision of the standard Road, Drainage and <br />Utility Easements to be granted to the City over the road outlot. The Subdividers shall <br />establish a homeowners association as well as the necessary road maintenance <br />agreements, etc. to ensure that the private road will be maintained to reasonable standards <br />at all times by a homeowner's association, and that failure of that private group to so <br />maintain their private road will be cause for the City to accomplish needed maintenance <br />and to assess the benefitted properties for the direct cost of such maintenance. The private <br />road shall be subject to a "Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Private <br />Roadway Easement" either as a separate document or incorporated into the development <br />covenants. The road shall not be named; all lots will be assigned Fox Street addresses. <br />14. Signage and Lighting. No street lighting or development identification signage has been <br />approved for FOX ISLAND. Any proposed lighting or signage shall be subject to prior <br />City approval. <br />15. Developers Agreement. The plat shall not be released for filing until the Subdividers have <br />executed a Developer's Agreement per the conditions of Resolution No. 5204, including a <br />letter of credit written to 150% of the cost of the proposed site improvements, including <br />any required landscaping. <br />16. Release for Filing. The City Clerk shall release the plat documents for filing only upon <br />certification by the City Attorney and Planning Director that all requirements of the <br />platting regulations have been satisfied. <br />17. Filing. The aforesaid plat shall be filed by the City of Orono with Hennepin County on or <br />before January 10, 2007 together with a certified original copy of this resolution and <br />executed copies of the easements and covenants pertinent thereto. <br />The approval granted by this Resolution shall expire if the conditions of this Resolution have not <br />been met or the plat has not been filed by the date .specified above. In that event, it will be <br />necessary to file a new application with the City of Orono for subdivision review. <br />