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Resolution 5486
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 5400 - 5499 (November 28, 2005 - August 28, 2006)
Resolution 5486
Entry Properties
Last modified
11/5/2015 12:44:27 PM
Creation date
11/5/2015 12:44:27 PM
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n <br />U <br />Is <br />4 <br />CITY of ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 5 4 c A <br />6. Access Removal. The two existing accesses onto Fox Street (existing main house <br />driveway at west end of site and guest house driveway) shall be eliminated at the time the <br />base layer and initial lift of bituminous are completed for the proposed private road. <br />7. Guest House. Front and street yard setback variances are hereby granted to allow the <br />guest house to remain in its current location until the time the main house is demolished <br />and/or the lot is redeveloped. The driveway off Fox Street serving the guest house shall <br />be removed in accordance with condition #5 above, and re-routed to access only the main <br />house driveway. <br />Lot 6 Status. The following shall govern the existing development within Lot 6: <br />a) Lot 6 shall be considered a back -lot for zoning purposes requiring 150% of the <br />zoning district setback requirements. <br />b) The bluff depiction on the approved Buffer and Impact Plan dated May 4, 2006 is <br />incorrect and shall not be used in determining the required bluff setbacks for new <br />construction on lot 6. The location of the existing house is grandfathered in with <br />regards to bluff setback. <br />C) Installation of a conforming 7 -bedroom septic system serving the main house and <br />the guest house shall be completed within 2 years of the filing of the final plat, as <br />the existing systems serving those buildings are non-compliant. <br />9. City Engineer Approval Required. The Subdividers shall implement all recommendations <br />of the City Engineer regarding grading, drainage, stormwater management and site <br />improvements. Approval of all improvements is subject to recommendations of City <br />Engineer Thomas Kellogg as noted in his comments up to and including those dated June <br />14, 2006 as well as any forthcoming recommendations. <br />10. Construction of Site Roads, Utilities and Site Improvements. The Subdividers shall <br />construct the private road, stormwater and drainage systems and facilities, site grading, <br />and landscaping in accordance with the Developers Agreement to be executed between <br />the City and the Subdividers. The first 50 feet of the private road shall be designed and <br />constructed as a rural section without curb and gutter. <br />11. Fox Street Improvements. The Subdividers shall be responsible for construction of the <br />proposed improvements to Fox Street, as noted on the Fox Street Proposed Road Profile <br />plan dated 11-21-05, which are necessary to improve sight lines for the location of the <br />proposed private roadway. These improvements to Fox Street must be completed prior to <br />use of the new private roadway, in accordance with a timeline approved by the City <br />Engineer and in accordance with the Developers Agreement to be executed between the <br />City and the Subdividers. <br />4 <br />
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