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MINUTES OF THE <br /> ORONO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br /> Monday, May 8, 2006 <br /> 7:00 o'clock p.m. <br /> (4. #OS-3136 TRDYBROITZMAN, 1860SHORELINEDRIVE, Corztiniced) <br /> Mrs. Coward pointed out that they have already been im�acted by tree removals and that this <br /> would continue to impact them the full length of their property with the driveway proposed in the <br /> rear at grade. <br /> Morris Nelson, 1860 Shoreline Drive, stated that he continued to object to the�ro�osal,pointing <br /> out that the footprint of his home was 1900 s.f., even if the applicants home was placed over his <br /> footprint,the massing would negatively impact him and his neighbors. <br /> Broitzman indicated that the runoff along Heritage Drive currently runs onto his property. <br /> Mrs. Coward pointed out that based on the original aerials, the wetland on the applicant's property <br /> has always been there and was not simply created by the Cowards' driveway. <br /> White asked what the proposed footprint for the new residence would be. <br /> Broitzman stated that the footprint would be 4764 s.f., 1419 of which would be garage. <br /> Sansevere asked whether the Council could limit the massing of the structure or the placement of <br /> the driveway. <br /> Since the applicant was asking for three variances, Attorney Brokl stated that the Council could tie <br /> certain factors to their approvals if they deemed the lot was too narrow to support the proposed <br /> massing. He indicated that the Council could deny the application if they did not support the <br /> massing and could word their motion for denial accordingly. <br /> Sansevere asked whether the Council members were in agreement that they had trouble with the <br /> massing. <br /> Mayor Peterson stated that she had difficulty allowing the level of proposed mass, since the lot is <br /> so narrow and the proposed dwellin�does not fit the character or scale of what exists. She <br /> commented that she was disappointed in the clear cutting of the pines out front which might have <br /> helped screen some of the proposed massing. <br /> White moved,Mayor Peterson seconded,to propose that the driveway run from County <br /> Road 15 and a reduction in massing by 15%. <br /> While she admitted that massing is a problem, McMillan questioned how the City could deny the <br /> inevitable as massing continues to be a problem as property values get higher. She stated that, until <br /> something is put on the books about massing, she found it difficult to put her finger on just one <br /> isolated case and say it is massing. She believed that if the applicant's proposal fell within the <br /> codes,the Council should be consistent, though they may not like it, and allow him to do so. <br /> Brokl interjected that there is a motion on the table requiring a 1�%reduction as a condition that <br /> could not be easily administered. As there was a draft resolution within the Council packet,Brokl <br /> suggested that the Council deny the application or approve it as requested with conditions or alter <br /> the conditions as the Council sees �t. <br /> PAGE 7 of 17 <br />