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MINUTES OF THE <br /> ORONO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br /> Monday, May 8, 2006 <br /> 7:00 o'clock p.m. <br /> (4. #OS-3136 TROYBROITZMAN, 1860SHORELINEDRIVE, Continued) <br /> Sansevere stated that he would not support the placement of a culvert across the Coward's <br /> property,unless they wanted it.He indicated that,he too, would prefer the applicant retum to the <br /> original driveway but asked at this point if this could be mandated. <br /> Gaffron stated that,while the County would prefer fewer curb cuts off the County road,the County <br /> must recognize existing driveway cuts. <br /> Planning Commissioner Kempf pointed out that,in an attempt to slow the impetus or divert water <br /> from running off a long driveway to the lake, he would prefer it be directed thru a wetland. <br /> Sansevere asked the Council to consider the width of the home and questioned whether it was still <br /> too wide to fit all that the applicant was asking for. <br /> Murphy stated that although the home meets all standards to which the City has,the Council has <br /> discussed the side setbacks and average lakeshore setbacks.He repeated that,although it does not <br /> violate anything,the Council had repeatedly urged the applicant to get the picture and create <br /> something with his architect less than what is being proposed, which has not happened yet.Murphy <br /> maintained that the City and applicant have been going through an awful lot of trouble to make this <br /> all fit,including an intensive landscaping design. <br /> While she appreciated the applicant's effort to rethink the landscaping and swale,Mayor Peterson <br /> stated that she was still having difficulty with the massing of the house. She indicated that she was <br /> torn between the two driveway accesses and was hoping that the applicant would have tweaked the <br /> plan before returning to Council. <br /> Broitzman pointed out that the current home is actually wider than the one being proposed. <br /> Steven Larson, of the Fox Hill Association, asked about the process which allows for an increase in <br /> hardcover by 50%. <br /> Gaffron stated that the Planning Commission will be holding a public hearing to discuss the lot <br /> width requirements for non-conforming lot sizes which addresses the need for aggregate setbacks. <br /> Larson pointed out that the Association felt that the additional runoff being proposed for their pond <br /> may have a detrimental effect on the neighborhood and they would object to an increase in water <br /> there. <br /> Gaffron suggested that the City would need to determine whether the pond contained a closed basin <br /> or not. <br /> Mr. Coward questioned the landscaping plan which suggested arborvitae, a sun loving shrub, for <br /> the rear shady side of the property. He maintained that there was no way to make this plan work in <br /> this neighborhood even with the amount of engineering going on, and that it would have <br /> detrimental impacts on the neighbors' property values. <br /> PAGE6of17 <br />