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• <br />• <br />CITY of ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. .5440 <br />6. The only building expansion outside the existing building envelope is an 88 s.f <br />vestibule to be located immediately west of the existing restroom wing. The <br />vestibule meets all. setback requirements. The vestibule increases the lot coverage <br />by structures from 5,260 s.f. (38.5%) to 5,348 s.f. (39.2%) where only 15% lot <br />coverage is normally allowed. Granting of a lot coverage variance is supported <br />by the need to provide a main entryway oriented to the municipal parking lot, and <br />to provide for energy efficiency and noise management. <br />The City Council finds that granting a variance to allow lot coverage by structures <br />to increase from 38.5% to 39.2% will not be detrimental to the health, safety or <br />general welfare of the public, will not adversely affect light, air nor pose a fire <br />hazard or other danger to neighboring properties, nor will the granting of said <br />variance depreciate surrounding property values or be inconsistent with the intent <br />and objectives of the Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan of the City. <br />7. The building is allowed signage based on the front footage of lot, per Zoning <br />Code Section 78-1468. The building will be limited to 112 s.f. of total signage. <br />8. No additional exterior lighting has been proposed for the expanded restaurant use. <br />Any such lighting will be required to meet the standards of the Zoning Code. <br />9. The proposed site plan includes 5 decorative trees to be placed on or in the <br />sidewalk at the front of the building. The Council finds that establishment of <br />vegetation along the business frontage in Navarre is a positive amenity and should <br />be encouraged. Because the proposed tree locations are within the County <br />highway easement, and adjacent to the City sidewalk easement, the applicants <br />should be advised to coordinate placement of trees with the appropriate County <br />and City authorities to ensure the appropriate species, locations, and maintenance. <br />10. The proposed site plan and operation includes a dedicated Smoker's Patio to be <br />established at the northwest corner of the property adjacent to the building. The <br />827 s.f. patio area will be surrounded by a 6' high fence and an arborvitae hedge <br />to limit the visibility of the patio from off-site, and to provide patrons with an <br />attractive area to smoke. The Smoker's Patio is proposed to be furnished with <br />tables and chairs, but restaurant and liquor service will not be provided, and no <br />liquor will be allowed to be brought to the patio area. The Council finds that the <br />proposed manner of use of this patio does not add to the parking requirement for <br />the restaurant use. <br />Page 4of9 <br />