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Resolution 5440
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 5400 - 5499 (November 28, 2005 - August 28, 2006)
Resolution 5440
Entry Properties
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11/5/2015 12:29:50 PM
Creation date
11/5/2015 12:29:49 PM
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� o 0 <br />CITY of ORONO <br />r ti <br />RESOLUTION OF THE �CI 4 COUNCIL <br />`9kESII0 NO. <br />4. The existing Class H Restaurant use with liquor service and live entertainment has <br />generated public comments with regard to occasional excessive noise levels due <br />to the live music being audible in the surrounding neighborhood during live <br />entertainment performances, primarily because entry/exit doors were propped <br />open. To the extent that the applicants can reduce noise levels that emanate from <br />the premises by making physical improvements to the building, by adding specific <br />sound -reduction building design elements, and by more attentively managing the <br />site operation, applicants should be required to take such measures to reduce the <br />negative impacts on the surrounding neighborhood. <br />5. Conversion of the two former retail spaces to restaurant use will increase the <br />number of parking stalls required by City ordinance for this building. The parking <br />required by code for the current restaurant use plus the two retail spaces was 38 <br />• stalls. The parking required by code for the expanded restaurant use is 46 stalls. <br />The size and layout of the property allows for only a handful of parking stalls <br />within the property; both the current and proposed level of restaurant use requires <br />a majority of its parking demand to be met off-site in the adjacent municipal <br />parking lot. <br />A variety of factors limit the level of confidence the Council has with regards to <br />whether the municipal lot can adequately handle the parking demands of all its <br />users, which include employees and patrons of the abutting businesses; the Park - <br />and -Ride users; the City Park users; and other undefined users. To add <br />complexity, parking stalls in the municipal lot have not been numerically or <br />spatially apportioned to the various businesses and other users. Parking is on a <br />first-come, first-served basis. <br />The applicants have provided a parking study that, when extrapolated to <br />accommodate the restaurant use under the revised expansion proposal, suggests <br />that actual peak parking demand for the restaurant will be approximately double <br />the number of code -required stalls, but such demand will occur at times when <br />other users of the municipal lot are not at peak demand. <br />The Council concludes that by eliminating the outdoor seating from their original <br />proposal, the applicants have reduced the potential increase in parking demand to <br />• a level that is anticipated to be.acceptable and reasonable. <br />Page 3 of 9 <br />
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