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• <br />• <br />CITY of ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 5 4 3 4 <br />2. Driveway Access. Driveway access to Lots 1 and 3 shall be a shared driveway <br />within Outlot A. Driveway access to Lots 4 and 5 shall be a shared driveway <br />within Outlot B. The existing driveway access onto Shadywood Road for Lot 2 <br />shall remain. All other curb cuts or access points onto the adjacent County Roads <br />shall be removed. The developer shall establish the appropriate shared driveway <br />easements and maintenance covenants over Outlots A and B. Developer shall <br />provide copies of approved Hennepin County permits for driveway access <br />locations for Outlots A and B. <br />3. Municipal Sewer. The property was completely assessed for municipal sewer on <br />a front footage basis as part of the 1965 -LS -IA project, and no further sewer <br />connection charges are required (MCES SAC charges will be due for each of Lots <br />3 and 4 at the time building permits are issued; Lot 1 is credited for 1 SAC unit <br />due to the recent removal of the existing house which was connected to sewer). <br />4. Municipal Water. The property was assessed for complete front footage but <br />only 3 water units as part of the 1970-LW-lA municipal water project, hence an <br />additional water unit will be due for each of Lots 3 and 4 respectively, to be <br />collected at the time of building permit issuance for each of Lots 3 and 4, at a <br />cost per the 2005 fee schedule of $2,520.00 per unit. <br />5. Development Fees <br />A. Park Dedication Fee. The subdivision is subject to the standard Park <br />Dedication Fee requirement. Because the value of each newly created lot is <br />expected to be in excess of the threshold value of $69,375.00, the 8% park fee cap <br />of $5,550 per lot will apply. A Park Dedication Fee will be due for Lots 3 and 4, <br />calculated as follows: <br />2 lots x $5,550/lot = $11,100. <br />B. Storm Water and Drainage Trunk Fee. The subdivision is subject to the <br />standard Storm Water and Drainage Trunk Fee, established in the 2005 fee <br />schedule as $4,160 per acre for the % acre zone. The Storm Water Drainage and <br />Trunk Fee is calculated as follows: <br />3.85 gross acres x $4,160/acre = $16,016. <br />Page 4 of 9 <br />