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Resolution 6559
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6500 - 6599 May 11, 2015 - March 14, 2016
Resolution 6559
Entry Properties
Last modified
10/29/2015 9:52:18 AM
Creation date
10/29/2015 9:51:43 AM
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CITY rte` <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />" <br />�' ' �, <br />NO. 6 5 <br />and wetlands and allow for a somewhat curvilinear driveway without creating a <br />more complex outlot configuration and description. <br />11. The shared driveway will be subject to joint ownership and maintenance, and <br />subject to easements between the two property owners for use and maintenance, <br />and subject to an underlying drainage and utility easement. <br />12. Each proposed lot contains at least 2.0 acres of contiguous dry buildable land and <br />ate least 5.0 acres in total land area, with the proposed building sites meeting the <br />RR-lA setback standards (100' front and rear, 50' sides). <br />13. Due to the large size lots, the need for stormwater improvements appears to be <br />limited to erosion control and floodplain management per the review by the City <br />Engineer. The property will be subject to the Stormwater and Drainage Trunk <br />Fee of $3,075 per acre based on two buildable lots in the 5 -acre zone. The fee is <br />based on 5 acres for each lot, or $15,375 per lot, for a total fee of $30,750. <br />14. The Community Management Plan indicates that no future trails are proposed <br />along Orchard Park Road, and there is no need for trail easements. Since a house <br />currently exists on the site and one additional homesite is being created, payment <br />of the standard Park Dedication fee for one new building lot at the rate $5,550 per <br />lot would be appropriate. <br />I.S. The Applicants have submitted a Conservation Design Report and Master Plan <br />prepared by Svoboda Ecological Resources dated September 22, 2015 that <br />inventories and describes in detail the environmental features of the site, defining <br />what natural values of the site should be preserved or enhanced and how that <br />should occur. The Conservation Design Report describes the existing landscape as <br />"a mixture of grassland, wetland and small woodlots around the homestead and <br />between fields". With the homes being proposed quite far from Orchard Park <br />Road and the use of the shared driveway, views into the site will continue to <br />reflect the rural character typical of the 5 -acre zone. Wetlands and drainage <br />patterns will be maintained. The proposed Vegetation Management Plan discusses <br />procedures for management of wetland buffer areas and invasive species that are <br />scattered through the property including buckthorn and reed canary grass. It is <br />noted that most trees on the property are healthy but are mostly non-significant <br />undesirable species. There are no areas of the site that contain defined <br />`significant tree stands', as this is primarily open field. Removal of dead trees <br />Page 4 of 9 <br />
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