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Resolution 6559
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6500 - 6599 May 11, 2015 - March 14, 2016
Resolution 6559
Entry Properties
Last modified
10/29/2015 9:52:18 AM
Creation date
10/29/2015 9:51:43 AM
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RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO.� <br />8. Lot 1 is oddly configured to include approximately 3.2 acres of dry buildable with <br />the proposed residence north of the large wetland, and the remaining dry land <br />within a wedge-shaped parcel north of Outlot B. Contiguity between these two <br />portions of Lot 1 is provided by a narrow neck scaling to approximately 10 feet. <br />The RR -1A District standards require that each lot be 300' in width at the road <br />frontage as well as at the 100 foot front building setback line. Proposed Lot 1 is <br />approximately 110 feet in width at the 100' front setback, requiring a lot width <br />variance. <br />Septic sites have been tested in the northwesterly corner of the lot. The <br />conceptually proposed house site meets the required side and rear setbacks of 50' <br />and 100' respectively. <br />Driveway access is via a shared driveway in Outlot B, narrowing to an individual <br />driveway sandwiched between the west lot line and the wetland boundary, along <br />the route of an old field road. This is the only viable location for a driveway, <br />requiring deminimus filling of wetland which requires approval per Zoning <br />Code Sections 78-160911610; encroachment of MCVLWD wetland buffer; a <br />variance to City 5' lot line setback to driveway; potential floodplain <br />encroachment and fill requiring mitigation; and the need to establish appropriate <br />culverts and drainageways. The driveway length extending from the point at <br />which the shared driveways converge is approximately 900 feet. The fire <br />department has recommended that the driveway be at least 20 feet in drivable <br />width unless the home is provided with fire suppression sprinklers and that a loop <br />must be incorporated into the driveway near the house for emergency and service <br />vehicle accessibility. <br />9. Lot 2 is proposed as 10.94 acres, of which 9.36 acres is upland. The lot is <br />somewhat irregularly shaped, and has approximately 280 feet of frontage on <br />Orchard Park Road, with a conforming width of 320' at the 100' setback line. <br />The proposed building site is in the eastern half of the Lot, with tested septic sites <br />further east. Access is proposed to be a shared driveway within Outlot B, <br />narrowing to an individual driveway. <br />10. Outlot A is a 70'x100' parcel intended as potential extra land for the small 0.4 <br />acre residence lot at 480 Orchard Park Road, possibly for future on-site sewage <br />treatment. Outlot B is a 90' wide corridor intended to accommodate the shared <br />driveway serving Lots 1 and 2. The 90' width is to accommodate the topography <br />Page 3 of 9 <br />
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