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_ .� o�. <br /> f 0 � � CITY of ORONO <br /> ''� %= �+ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> ��' �~� No. 6 0 8 9 <br /> ��k'EsH�4'� <br /> 2. The Property is zoned LR-1 C Single Farnily Lakeshore Residential District, which <br /> normally requires a minimum lot area of 0.5 acres and minimum lot width of 100'. The <br /> Property totals 1.23 acres in area (53,578 square feet) and has 180 feet of width along <br /> Maple Place. <br /> a. The six individual, existing lots are each 9,000 square feet in area and have 50 <br /> feet in frontage width on Maple Place. <br /> 3. The proposed plat includes combing six lots into three lots. Each lot will be served via <br /> Maple Place. Each lot has a building site meeting the LR-1 C setback standards. <br /> 4. Development of existing non-conforming properties within the Shoreland Overlay District <br /> is governed by MN State Statute 462.357 as well as MN Rules, chapter 6120. <br /> 5. As proposed, the six individual, existing lots meet the requirements of MN §462.357 and <br /> MN Rule 6120. <br /> � , 6. Development of the Property in accordance with MN §462.357 and MN Rule 6120 limits <br /> each lot to a maximum of 25% hardcover where, according to the City's hardcover zone <br /> allowance, 30% hardcover is normally allowed. <br /> 7. The Developer's proposal to combine the existing six lots into three lots with 18,000 <br /> square feet in area and 100 feet in width results in a density of 2.7 units per acre and is <br /> consistent with Orono's 2008-2030 CMP guiding for this area as Low-Medium <br /> Residential with a density of 2-3 units per acre. <br /> 8. The Property will be served with City sewer. <br /> 9. Proposed Lots 1 and 2 will be served by private water supply wells. Lot 13, Block 6, <br /> Crystaf Bay View was assessed for City water in 1970; proposed Lot 3 will have the <br /> option of constructing a private well or connecting to City water. <br /> 10. The Property is identified in Orono's Surface Water Manaaement Plan (Jan 2011) as <br /> being located within a drainage area (NA-9) which is a sub-part of the North Arm <br /> drainage area. The Property is at the low point of the neighborhood drainage area. <br /> Storm water facilities should be located within the Property to serve the neighborhood <br /> and the Property. <br /> 11. The Developer has proposed a grading plan to establish building pad locations and <br /> elevations. The proposed elevation of the building pads will be used to establish new <br /> existing grades for the purpose of evaluating building height. <br /> ��_ <br /> Page 2 of 7 <br />