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Resolution 6553
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6500 - 6599 May 11, 2015 - March 14, 2016
Resolution 6553
Entry Properties
Last modified
10/27/2015 8:58:17 AM
Creation date
10/27/2015 8:57:58 AM
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RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO 6553 <br />WHEREAS, the Orono City Council reviewed the proposed lot line <br />rearrangement at a regular meeting held on October 12, 2015 and makes the following findings <br />with regards to the proposed lot line rearrangement: <br />FINDINGS <br />1. This application was reviewed as Zoning File #15-3782. <br />2. The Kantor Property contains 3.27 acres in total area and currently contains a single <br />family residence. <br />3. The Otto & Ujiie Property contains 1.00 acres in total area and currently contains a single <br />family residence. <br />4. The properties are served by private wells and on-site sewage treatment systems. <br />5. This application contemplates a lot line rearrangement to relocate the common boundary <br />between the two properties such that the Kantor Property is reduced in total area to 2.57 <br />acres and the Otto & Ujiie Property is increased in size to 1.70 acres. <br />6. The application also contemplates the creation of a new drainage and utility easement <br />located 5 feet on each side of the new property boundary. <br />7. As a result of the lot line rearrangement, the Kantor Property will continue to encompass <br />at least 2.00 acres in area net of wetlands and vehicular easements, will continue to have <br />two viable on-site sewage treatment sites, and will remain conforming to the RR -1B 2 - <br />acre minimum lot size requirement. <br />8. As a result of the lot line rearrangement, the Otto & Ujiie Property will gain in area to <br />contain 1.50 acres net of wetlands, and will become less non -conforming to the RR -1B 2 - <br />acre minimum lot size requirement. <br />9. Because this is a lot line rearrangement which results in no additional lots, no park fee or <br />stormwater trunk fee will be required. <br />CONCLUSIONS, ORDER AND CONDITIONS <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that based upon one or more of the <br />findings noted above, the City Council of the City of Orono hereby grants the lot line <br />rearrangement of the above referenced properties based on the lot line rearrangement survey <br />dated August 28, 2015, by Mark Gronberg of Gronberg & Associates, Inc. attached as Exhibit <br />C, subject to the following conditions: <br />Page 2of3 <br />
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