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RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 6 55 3 <br />A RESOLUTION APPROVING <br />A SUBDIVISION OF A LOT LINE REARRANGEMENT <br />AT 2165 AND 2185 WATERTOWN ROAD <br />FILE NO. 15-3782 <br />WHEREAS, the City of Orono is a municipal corporation organized and existing <br />under the laws of the State of Minnesota; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council of Orono (hereinafter "City Council") has adopted <br />subdivision regulations for the orderly, economic and safe development of land within the City; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, Robert W. Kantor and Monique L. Kantor, a married couple <br />(hereinafter "the Kantors'), are owners of the property located at 2165 Watertown within the <br />City of Orono, and legally described as follows: <br />Attached as Exhibit A (hereinafter the "Kantor Property"); and <br />WHEREAS, Stephen H. Otto and Toshihim Ujiie, a married couple (hereinafter <br />"Otto & Ujiie"), are owners of the property located at 2185 Watertown Road within the City of <br />Orono, and legally described as follows: <br />Attached as Exhibit B (hereinafter the "Otto & Ujiie Property"; and <br />WHEREAS, the Kantors and Otto & Ujiie (hereinafter jointly the "Applicants") <br />have jointly made application to the City for approval of a lot line rearrangement which would <br />relocate the lot boundary line between the properties; and <br />WHEREAS, after due published and mailed notice in accordance with Minnesota <br />Statutes 462.358 et. seq. and the City of Orono Zoning and PIanning Codes, the Orono Planning <br />Commission held a public hearing on the proposed lot line rearrangement on September 21, 2015 <br />at which time all persons desiring to be heard concerning this application were given the <br />opportunity to speak thereon, and on a vote of 6-0 recommended approval of the lot line <br />rearrangement; and <br />Page I of 3 <br />