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RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. <br />J IS <br />EXHIBIT A <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY <br />The following property in Hennepin County, Minnesota: <br />That part of the Northwest Quarter ofthe Southeast Quarter and of Government Lots 3 and 4, Section <br />25, Township 118, Range 23, lying north of a line described as beginning at the southwest corner of <br />said Section 25, thence north along the west line thereof 1750.0 feet; thence easterly, deflecting to the <br />right 93 degrees 15 minutes a distance of 2289.7 feet; thence deflecting to the right along a 2 degree <br />curve (delta angle 28 degrees 35 minutes, and tangent distance 729.8 feet) a distance of 1429.2 feet; <br />thence southeasterly tangent to said curve a distance of 252.0 feet; thence deflecting to the left along <br />a 1 degree 30 minutes curve (delta angle 14 degrees 38 minutes, and tangent distance 490.5 feet) a <br />distance of 975.5 feet; thence southeasterly, tangent to said last described curve, a distance of 538.5 <br />feet; thence deflecting to the left along a 3 degree 30 minute curve (delta angle 34 degrees 50 minutes <br />and tangent distance 513.6 feet) to its intersection with the east line of said Section 25 and said line <br />there terminating. <br />The north line of said Northwest Quarter and Government Lot 3 have been marked with Judicial <br />Landmarks set pursuant to Order in Torrens Case No. 5192. <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />