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0 <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 0 <br />provisions of the Development Contract for MOONEY LAKE PRESERVE dated <br />2015. <br />2. Variances to road length, width and horizontal curve requirements are granted for the road <br />length in Outlot E. <br />3. The approvals granted in this Resolution shall become effective only when all conditions <br />of approval requiring actions by the Developer have been satisfied. <br />4. The City Clerk shall release the plat documents for filing only upon certification by the <br />City Attorney, Senior Planner and City Engineer that all requirements of the platting <br />regulations have been satisfied. <br />5. The aforesaid plat shall be filed by the City of Orono with Hennepin County on or before <br />April 12, 2016 together with a certified original copy of this resolution and executed copies <br />of the easements and covenants pertinent thereto. <br />The approval granted by this Resolution shall expire if the conditions of this <br />Resolution have not been met or the plat has not been filed by the date specified above. In that <br />event, it will be necessary to file a new application with the City of Orono for subdivision review. <br />Adopted by the City Council of Orono this 12th day of October, 2015. <br />ATTEST: <br />e Tiegs, City ClerIj Lili Tod McMillan, Mayor <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />