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CITY OF OldONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 6536 <br />d. At such time that a permit for expansion of the existing home on Lot 5 is issued; <br />e. At such time that the existing system is found to be non-compliant and ordered to <br />be replaced; <br />B. In the event that one of the above circumstances exists and the system has not been <br />removed, no permits for either property shall be issued until the system is removed. <br />12. Development Fees: <br />A. Park Dedication Fee. The development is subject to the standard Park Dedication <br />Fee of 5 lots x $5,550 per lot = $27,750. <br />B. Storm Water and Drainage Trunk Fee. The development is subject to the standard <br />Storm Water and Drainage Trunk Fee of $7,680 per lot x 6 lots = $46,080. <br />13. City Engineer Recommendations and Approval. Applicant shall adhere to the general <br />recommendations of the City Engineer in his comment letter dated 7/16/15 as well as <br />ongoing recommendations. Final plat approval shall be granted only upon confirmation <br />by the City Engineer that all engineering concerns have been satisfactorily addressed. <br />14. Plans and Specifications. The following plans and specifications shall be submitted for <br />review and approval by the City and other appropriate jurisdictions prior to final plat <br />approval, to ensure that the proposed plat will accomplish the intended purposes: <br />a) Final overall layout for all primary and alternate sewage treatment system sites <br />and potential conforming well locations. <br />b) Final grading, drainage and erosion control plan and SWPPP showing existing <br />and proposed contours, anticipated building locations, elevations, stormwater <br />facilities and calculations, utilities and erosion control measures to be used during <br />construction. Final Plat Approval will not be granted until the Minnehaha Creek <br />Watershed District has approved the stormwater management plans. <br />c) Engineering details and design for any proposed retaining walls. <br />d) Road construction plans including proposed plan and profile views, typical street <br />section, geotechnical report, R -value recommendation and pavement design. <br />e) Sufficient detail to meet the recommendations of the City Engineer. <br />15. Other Easements. <br />a) Drainage and Utility Easements shall be dedicated to the public in each of the 7 <br />Page 8 of 11 <br />