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CITY OF GRONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO 6536 <br />locations subject to City Engineer/Public Works Director approval at the time of building <br />permit issuance. The road in Outlot B shall be subject to the standard Road, Drainage and <br />Utility Easements to be granted to the City. The Developer shall establish a homeowners <br />association as well as the necessary road maintenance agreements, etc. to ensure that the <br />private road will be maintained to reasonable standards at all times by a homeowners <br />association, and that failure of that private group to so maintain their private road will be <br />cause for the City to accomplish needed maintenance and to assess the benefited <br />properties for the direct cost of such maintenance. The private road shall be subject to a <br />"Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Private Roadway Easement" <br />either as a separate document or incorporated into the development covenants. An access <br />and maintenance agreement between the owners of the portion of Kintyre Lane within the <br />plat of Kintyre Two and the owners of the portion of Kintyre Lane within the plat of <br />Kintyre Preserve shall be required. <br />S. Materials and equipment for the construction of the extension of Kintyre Lane shall be <br />accessed through Outlot A of Kintyre Preserve to Stubbs Bay Road and shall not use the <br />portion of existing Kintyre Lane for road construction access. <br />9. The City will grant the required lot width variances for Lots 4, 5, and 6; the road length <br />variance for the extension of Kintyre Lane; and variances to the wetland ordinance to <br />allow septic systems to be located within or partially within MCWD-required wetland <br />buffer areas as long as the systems meet the City's minimum 50' wetland setback. <br />10. The portion of the proposed grading plan that depicts future grading to create individual <br />building pads shall be considered as establishing "new existing grades" for house <br />placement on all 7 lots. The proposed pad grading shall occur at the time individual <br />building permits are issued. <br />11. Regarding the existing septic system serving Lot 5 that is partially located within Lot 4, a <br />limited -term temporary easement with specific triggers to require removal of the system <br />shall be established, including the following conditions: <br />A. The easement shall expire, and the system shall be removed, upon any one of the <br />following occurrences: <br />a. At such time that Lots 4 and 5 become separately owned; <br />b. At such time that a permit for home construction is issued for Lot 4; <br />c. At such time that a permit for demolition or new home construction is issued for <br />Lot 5; <br />Page 7 of 11 <br />