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� O� <br /> O , O CITY of ORONO <br /> �.- <br /> � � �i�.-�' �► RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> �� � �G,�`� No. 6 � � � <br /> �kESH04 <br /> h. Applicant proposes to install a series of raingardens southeast of the residence <br /> to help mitigate the excess hardcover. Westerly portions of the roof will be <br /> provided with gutters and downspouts to direct runoff to the raingardens. A <br /> vegetated swale paralleling the lakeshore is also proposed which will filter <br /> runoff from the site as well as runoff discharge from the City storm sewer <br /> along the eastern boundary of the site. <br /> i. The existing average lakeshore setback line runs through the streetward half <br /> of the existing house, and will run through the midpoint of the proposed <br /> house. Views of the lake enjoyed by the neighboring home to the west will be <br /> slightly increased. Views of the lake enjoyed by the home to the east will be <br /> slightly decreased (from side windows only). There is very minimal impact <br /> from the average setback encroachment. <br /> j. Slope percentage decreases from west to east across the Property. The <br /> neighboring property to the west has slopes in excess of 30% and meets the <br /> definition of bluff, but only the northwesterly portion of Applicant"s Property <br /> is a bluff, with the 970' contour line defining the top of bluff. While the <br /> existing house is partly within the defined bluff, a majority of the proposed <br /> structure is not within the defined bluff, but the attached garage will be within <br /> the bluff impact zone. The proposed grading and drainage plan including <br /> swales, roof rain gutters, rain gardens and other features will minimize impact <br /> to adjacent properties and will enhance slope stability. <br /> k. Because the proposed site grading plan will involve more than 10 cubic yards <br /> of earth movement, a conditional use permit and variance are required per <br /> Section 78-1286. The grading plan involves excavating for the new house <br /> foundation; excavating lakeward of the house to create a walkout situation; <br /> grading swales alongside of the house and garage; and filling streetward of the <br /> house to establish a grade for the driveway. Additional grading will be <br /> required to create the proposed raingardens. Erosion control during <br /> construction will also be critical as the Property naturally drains toward the <br /> property to the west. The proposed grading plan directs a majority of the <br /> driveway drainage to the east side of the house. <br /> 1. Two of the three large oak trees in the 0-75' zone are proposed to be removed, <br /> including the 22" oak alongside the existing house (on the neighboring <br /> property) and the 34" oak just south of the existing house. The Applicant's <br /> landscaping consultant has recommended these be removed as a pre-emptive <br /> Page 4 of 8 <br />