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� O� <br /> O ,, O CITY of ORONO <br /> �. _ - <br /> � � '. � RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> � � :;��":�. <br /> �� ���F No. 6 1 4 6 <br /> �k'ESH�4 <br /> home will have an attached 2-stall garage located approximately 2 feet below <br /> street level. The new home and garage will have a setback of 23.5 feet from <br /> the street lot line, not unlike other homes along Long Lake Boulevard due to <br /> the steep topography from the street to the lake. While the street setback could <br /> be increased by placing more of the garage into the house footprint, the <br /> proposed layout creates off-street parking not available to the existing home, <br /> and off-street parking is a necessity on Long Lake Boulevard. <br /> d. The existing home is only 2 feet from the west side lot line and 17 feet from <br /> the east lot line. The proposed home will be centered on the lot, with 10' <br /> setbacks on either side. Because the neighboring home to the east sits about <br /> 50 feet from the shared lot line, and because drainage from that property <br /> generally heads toward the Applicant's site, the impacts of the decreased east <br /> side setback are relatively minimal. The 10-foot proposed side setbacks are <br /> consistent with those approved for other similarly sized lots in the LR-lA <br /> zoning district. <br /> e. Approximately 2/3 of the Property is within the 0-75' hardcover zone. <br /> Existing 0-75' hardcover is 15.1% of which a majority is existing house and <br /> the remainder is concrete sidewalks. The proposed plan reduces the 0-75' <br /> hardcover to approximately 14.2% (1,088 s.f.) by replacing the existing <br /> concrete sidewalks with a slightly smaller stairway. The proposed level of <br /> hardcover is driven by the small size of the lot and the inability to place more <br /> of the house nearer the street. <br /> f. In the 75-250' zone, hardcover will increase from 15.7%to 35.3% (1,519 s.f.). <br /> The increase is a function of a number of factars inherent in the proposed <br /> design: 1) Increased house footprint; 2) attachment of a 2-stall garage; 3) <br /> addition of driveway to serve the attached garage; and 4) providing an <br /> acceptable setback from the street to the house. <br /> g. Total proposed hardcover is 2,607 s.f. or 21.8% of the entire Property. Of <br /> this amount, 1794 s.f. (exactly 15% of lot area) is in structure and 813 s.f. is in <br /> driveway, steps and sidewalk. Minimizing the hardcover while resulting in a <br /> functional site for a residence would require reduction of the house footprint <br /> as the non-structural hardcover items proposed are necessary to provide <br /> adequate access to the residence and to the lakeshore as well as provide <br /> adequate off-street parking. <br /> Page 3 of 8 <br />