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O O CITY of ORONO <br /> Baa ;_ <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> NO. <br /> �kESH0 <br /> WHEREAS, the Applicants have made application to the City for a conditional <br /> use permit for land alteration to perform more than 10 cubic yards of earth movement within <br /> the 0 to 75 foot zone in order to rearrange the floodplain on the Property; and <br /> WHEREAS, after due published notice and mailed notice in accordance with <br /> Minnesota Statutes and the Orono, Minnesota, City Code, the Orono Planning Commission <br /> held a public hearing on January 17, 2012, at which times all persons desiring to be heard <br /> concerning this application were given the opportunity to speak thereon. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Orono, <br /> Minnesota: <br /> FINDINGS <br /> 1. This application was reviewed as Zoning File#12-3540. <br /> 2. The Property is located in the LR-1A zoning district, where 2.0 acres is the <br /> minimum lot area and 200 feet is the minimum defined lot width. The Property <br /> is approximately 0.63 acre in area and 0 feet in defined width. <br /> 3. The Planning Commission reviewed this application on January 17, 2012 and <br /> on a vote of 5 - 0 recommended: <br /> a. Approval of the variances, based on the following findings: <br /> i. The Property is a legal lot of record created prior to adoption of the <br /> current Zoning Ordinance lot area and width requirements. <br /> ii. There is no additional land available to bring the lot area or width <br /> into conformity. <br /> iii. The Applicants' request for hardcover in excess of 25% makes the <br /> Property ineligible for nonconforming lot area and lot width <br /> provisions provided within MN §462.357. <br /> iv. The lot is provided with City sewer. <br /> V. The Applicants' request will alleviate a practical difficulty inherent <br /> to the Property and not created by the Applicants. <br /> vi. The Applicants' request will not alter the essential character of the <br /> neighborhood and will result in minimal negative impact on <br /> adjacent properties. <br /> Page 2 of 6 <br />