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.� 0,�. <br /> O ,a O CITY of ORONO <br /> �� � <br /> �1 ��' � RESOLUTION OFLT�E��COUNCIL <br /> �� �'�' NO. � <br /> ��kEsHog'� <br /> Each proposed lot contains sufficient contiguous dry buildable land in which to <br /> construct a single family residence meeting LR-1 C setback requirements as well <br /> as MCWD wetland buffer and City wetland/buffer setback standards. However, <br /> Lot 4 has virtually no flexibility as to house placement and Lots 3 and 5 have only <br /> minimal flexibility. Lots 1 and 2, where the existing houses axe located, have <br /> substantial flexibility to move forward or back. Lot 6 also has good flexibility, <br /> but at the potential expense of a number of mature oak and maple trees. <br /> 10. The Planning Commission has recornmended that a conservation easement be <br /> dedicated over the northerly portions of Lots 1 thru 6, encompassing the wetland <br /> and upland areas in approximately the north 60% of the Properry. This <br /> conservation easement is intended to preserve the woodland in this area, reduce <br /> the impacts of development on the flora and fauna in the area, and maintain the <br /> existing drainage pattern. Separate and potentially overlapping covenants and <br /> easements will be required for wetland preservation, wooded area preservation, <br /> and the proposed stormwater pond ing areas required for runoff rate control. The <br /> intent is to preserve the conservation area in as natural a condition as possible <br /> with no buildings, roads or other man-made intrusions other than stormwater <br /> ponding as necessary to serve the development. <br /> 11. Stormwater rate control ponds are proposed at the east and west ends of the <br /> wetland, to be located outside the 40' wetland buffer area. Due to the drainage <br /> pattern in the neighborhood and the seasonal flooding that historically occurs in <br /> the low areas of the site, it is critical that as much stormwater and snowmelt <br /> runoff from the development as is feasible be discharged to the proposed <br /> stormwater quality ponds. However, the City Engineer has indicated that the <br /> proposed grading plan may have negative impacts on the house pad for Lot 5, and <br /> that the plan be revised to allow drainage from the rear yard of Lot 4 to drain <br /> directly to the wetland. The development will be subject to the standard <br /> Stormwater and Drainage Trunk Fee. <br /> 12. The Developer has provided a Conservation Design Report by Arrowhead <br /> Environmental Consulting (AEC), including a tree survey, natural resources <br /> inventory and Conservation Design Master Plan. In the Master Plan AEC <br /> recommends the esta.blishment of conservation easements for the wetlands and <br /> wetland buffer, and additionally recommends that the tree border adjacent to <br /> Northern Avenue be preserved as a buffer to the development. The City Engineer <br /> has recommended that an additional easement be established over this tree border. <br /> Page 5 of 14 <br />