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.� o,�,. <br /> O � O CITY of ORONO <br /> � �' � RESOLUTION OF�T��I�1(COUNCIL <br /> '�,� �,'�' NO. ° J <br /> �kESH��'� <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council hereby makes the following fmdings with regards <br /> to this application: <br /> FINDINGS <br /> 1. This application was reviewed as Zoning File #13-3631. <br /> 2. 'The Property is zoned LR-1C Single Family Lakeshore Residential District, <br /> which normally requires a minimum lot area of 0.5 acres and minimum lot width <br /> of 100' The Property is 4.89 acres in area, of which 0.83 acre is wetland and 4.06 <br /> acres is non-wetland area. <br /> 3. The Properiy is guided in the 2008-2030 Orono Community Management Plan <br /> (CMP) for Low-Medium Density Residential Use at a densiTy of up to 2-3 units <br /> per acre. The proposed layout conta.ins 6 lots on 3.74 dry acres (net of wetland <br /> and roadway dedication for Northern Avenue) for an overall net densiTy of 1.6 <br /> units per acre. <br /> 4. The Property site is somewhat bowl-shaped and contains a 0.83-acre wetland at <br /> its center. The high point at the southwest corner of the site drops approximately <br /> 24 feet to the wetland, with slopes in the general range of 5-15%. There are two <br /> existing houses and two detached garages plus a smaller outbuilding all located in <br /> the southwest corner of the Property, and all of which would be removed as a <br /> result of the subdivision. There is one existing driveway onto Northern Avenue. <br /> 5. The Conservation Design Report by Arrowhead Environmental Consulting <br /> provides this overview of the natural site characteristics: <br /> "The existing landscape of the site consists of a single-family home with a <br /> garage in the southwest portion of the site, a shallow marsh wetland in the <br /> center of the property, and hardwood forest throughout the site. The trees <br /> consist mostly of black walnut (Juglans nigra), sugar maple (Acep <br /> saccharum), red oalc (Quercus rubra), basswood (Tilia americana), green ash <br /> (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), and boxelder (Acer negunda). A dense layer of <br /> common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica) was present throughout most of the <br /> forested area. <br /> , <br /> Page 2 of 14 <br />