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‘7L0A70 CITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> NO. 7490 <br /> `4KESHo0' <br /> the cash contribution shall be equivalent to the fair market value of the land to be dedicated. <br /> The determination of the fair market value of the undeveloped land by the city assessor, city <br /> council, or designated appraisers shall be determined at the time of final approval. Where <br /> the anticipated park needs are greater than the number of acres to be developed, the city <br /> establishes a maximum park dedication fee. For residential density of 3 units per acre or <br /> less a cap of 4 percent of the predeveloped value is applied. <br /> The 2020-2040 Comprehensive Plan does not specify the need for a neighborhood park or <br /> trail at this location. A park dedication of land instead would be appropriate according to the <br /> City Ordinance. <br /> A13. The Developer has submitted a Conservation Design Master Plan (CDMP) prepared by <br /> Anderson Engineering which inventories and describes the environmental features of the <br /> site, defining what natural values of the site should be preserved or enhanced and how that <br /> should occur. <br /> According to the CDMP, the plan includes integrating the existing natural environment to <br /> minimize negative impacts on the current rural character. Landscaping and planting along <br /> the northern boundary of the Property will be utilized to preserve the positive and natural <br /> viewsheds identified along CSAH 6. The development will not impact the natural viewshed <br /> of Lake Classen, regardless of travel direction (east or west) along CSAH 6. The CDMP <br /> concluded that the project would not have a significant impact on natural resources, nor <br /> would it negatively impact the existing rural character of the location. <br /> CONCLUSIONS, ORDER AND CONDITIONS: <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, based upon one or more of the above <br /> findings, the Orono City Council hereby grants Preliminary Plat Approval to allow subdivision of <br /> the Property into 6 building lots, one private road outlot, and one outlot to be deeded to the <br /> neighbors to the east for their private driveway purposes. <br /> The preliminary plat (attached as Exhibit B) together with the stormwater grading plan will <br /> establish building pad elevations, drainage swales, and stormwater basins. Preliminary Plat <br /> approval is subject to the following conditions: <br /> B1. Approval is subject to Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (hereinafter the "MCWD") <br /> approval and permits as required. Final Plat approval shall not be granted until the <br /> Developer has provided evidence that all required MCWD permits have been obtained. <br /> B2. Approval is subject to Hennepin County approval of the proposed private road location, <br /> right-of-way dedication, and permits as required. Final Plat approval shall not be granted <br /> 3 <br />