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O O CITY of ORONO <br /> .. �AV RESOLUTION OF THS $11y COUNCIL <br /> G NO. <br /> ��kESH6 <br /> 3. The Planning Commission reviewed this application at a public hearing held on <br /> June 17, 2013 and voted 5 for and 0 against on a motion to approve the CUP <br /> and the average lakeshore setback variance; the City Council reviewed the <br /> application at the July 8, 2013 public hearing and finds that the following factors <br /> support the granting of the requested variance and CUP: <br /> a. The Property contains 21,003 square feet in area and has a defined width of <br /> 80-feet at the lake and 80-feet at the 75-foot setback. <br /> b. The home on the Property has existed since the early 1950s. <br /> c. The adjacent home locations combined with the curve of Casco Point Road <br /> results in the Property having a shallower depth than the adjacent properties <br /> resulting in a smaller legal buildable envelope. <br /> d. A 60' x 120' tennis court is situated on the non-lakeshore property directly to <br /> the south, between the Applicant's property and the home at 2987 Casco <br /> Point Road interfering with the view of the lake from the Applicant's property. <br /> e. The adjacent home at 2987 Casco Point Road is located approximately 140 <br /> feet from the Applicant's proposed home and approximately 140 feet from the <br /> lake. Due to this separation, views of the lake from the home on this property <br /> will not be adversely impacted by the encroachment of the Applicant's <br /> proposed home. <br /> f. The Applicant's proposed home is designed in a way which improves the <br /> views of the lake from the home at 2967 Casco Point Road when compared <br /> to the existing home. <br /> g. Both adjacent neighbors have expressed support for the application <br /> regarding the average lakeshore setback variance as requested. <br /> h. The Property will conform to the hardcover limitations of Tier 1. <br /> i. The Applicant's proposed home will not alter the essential character of the <br /> neighborhood and will result in minimal or no negative impact on adjacent <br /> properties. <br /> j. The Applicant's proposed home location will not adversely impact views of <br /> the lake currently enjoyed by the adjacent properties; future views will be <br /> improved with the new home for the northern neighbor. <br /> Page 2 of 5 <br />