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� � <br /> ���� ITY F RONO <br /> C O O <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> � � 6474 <br /> `� �` N O. <br /> tAkE S H��� <br /> - WHEREAS, on September 22, 2014, the City Council considered the <br /> Environmental Assessment Worksheet for the project, making a negative declaration on both the <br /> likelihood for significant environmental effects and on the need for an Environmental Impact <br /> Statement; and <br /> WHEREAS, on October 20, 2014, the Planning Commission further considered <br /> the application at the continued public hearing,providing for all interested persons to be heard on <br /> the matter, the Planning Commission voting 7 in favor, 0 against to recommend approval of the <br /> Preliminary Plat and PRD zoning, incorporating all submitted materials, public comment, and <br /> staff and consultant analysis in its record, with conditions as recommended by staff and as <br /> identified in the record of its meeting. <br /> CONCLUSIONS, ORDER,AND CONDITIONS <br /> NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Orono City Council, in light <br /> of the above noted facts, as well as the applicant's materials, staff reports, citizen comments and <br /> submittals, and all other facts and information supplied and considered as a part of the record of <br /> this proceeding, hereby approves Preliminary Plat for Lakeview and PRD, Planned Residential <br /> Development, per submitted plans as amended, based on the following findings and with the <br /> following conditions: <br /> Findings of Fact <br /> 1. The proposed plat is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Orono Community <br /> Management Plan, as amended. <br /> 2. The conditions listed below identify changes to be incorporated into the final plat, and are <br /> intended to provide reasonable requirements necessary to mitigate any potential impacts <br /> of the proposed subdivision. <br /> 3. The proposed plat, subject to said conditions, is consistent with the purpose and <br /> requirements of the RR-1B zoning district, the district applicable to the subdivision <br /> property. <br /> 4. The proposed plat, subject to said conditions, can be accommodated with existing public <br /> services and is not expected to overburden said services. <br /> 5. The studies and analyses conducted in reviewing the proposed plat, including the <br /> Environmental Assessment Worksheet, the Comprehensive Plan Amendment, and <br /> various reports and materials from staff, consultants, affected agencies, and other parties, <br /> support these findings. <br /> Page 2 of 8 <br />