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n <br />ASSESSMENT POLICY <br />The City of Orono has frequently reviewed the Assessment <br />Policy which it has applied on past projects to determine whether <br />or not the former assessment policy or one similar thereto should <br />be applied in Sanitary Sewer Project No. 73-1. After extensive <br />review by the staff and City Council of various alternative <br />assessment policies and formulas, the City of Orono has determined <br />that the former assessment policy is the most equitable for <br />all properties in this project and will result in an assessment <br />for each property which will not exceed the special benefit <br />to that property and will be uniform upon the same class of <br />property. <br />1. The City of Orono has in the past assessed 100% of <br />the total cost of the construction of sanitary sewer collection <br />systems against those properties benefited from such a system. <br />The City desires that the assessment policy be consistent. When <br />a lateral sewer in one area of the City is paid for by special <br />assessments, the cost of a similar sewer in another area of <br />the City should not be later financed from general taxes, since <br />the property owners in the first area would be paying for a <br />part of the cost of the second sewer as well as their own and <br />those in the second area would pay nothing on the first sewer <br />and only part of their own. However, in this project certain <br />items are considered to be of general benefit to the entire <br />community and the cost of those items is deducted from the total <br />cost of the project and is not included in the amount that is <br />assessed against the benefited properties. <br />These items are as follows: <br />a. Sewer cleaning <br />,Machine and truck. Cost of $25,000 <br />