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� r <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 56 <br /> CITY OF ORONO <br /> HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br /> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 14 OF THE ORONO CITY CODE <br /> CONCERNING STORM WATER ILLICIT DISCHARGE AND CONNECTIONS <br /> THE CITY COUNICL OF THE CITY OF ORONO, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: <br /> Section 1. Section 14-1 of the Orono City Code is amended to add the following <br /> definitions: <br /> Best mana�ement t�ractice (BMPI means erosion and sediment control and water uality <br /> mana�ement practices that are the most effective and practicable means of controllingl <br /> preventin�, and minimizin�the de�radation of surface water includin�construction-phasin� <br /> mimmizin�the len�th of time soil areas are exposed prohibitions and other mana eg ment <br /> practices published bv state or designated area-wide plannine a encies <br /> Discharge means addine introducin� releasin leakin�s ip llin casting throwin� or <br /> emittin�anv pollutant or lacin�anYpollutant in a location where it is likely to pollute waters of <br /> the state. ' <br /> Erosion means the eroup of natural nrocesses includin�weatherin� dissolution <br /> abrasion, corrosion, and transnortation bv which material is worn away from the earth's surface <br /> or the erosive process of washing awa soil bv water <br /> Groundwater is water contained below the surface of the earth in the saturated zone <br /> includin�, without limitation all waters whether under conned unconfined or erp ched <br /> conditions, in near surface unconsolidated sediment or regolith or in rock formations deeper <br /> under r�d. <br /> Illicit connection is defined as either of the followin • <br /> (1) Anv drain or convevance whether on the surface or subsurface which allows an <br /> ille�al dischar�e to enter the storm drain svstem (including anv non-storm water <br /> dischar�e) includin� sewa�process wastewater and wash water and any <br /> connections to the storm drain svstem from indoor drains and sinks re�ardless of <br /> whether said drain or connection had been previouslv allowed permitted or <br /> approved bv an authorized enforcement a encv or <br /> �21 Anv drain or convevance connected from a residential commercial or industrial <br /> land use to the storm drain svstem which has not been documented in plans maps <br /> or equivalent records and anproved by an authorized enforcement a�ency. <br /> 144767v02 1 <br />