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Ord #047-3rd Ser/Amending code for commercial recreation uses/B-1
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Ord #047-3rd Ser/Amending code for commercial recreation uses/B-1
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io��in�, or other similar activities. It may provide as an accessorv use personal services to <br /> patrons, includine but not limited to therapeutic massage tanning saunas and whirinools <br /> SECTION 3. Section 78-644 of the Orono City Code is amended to add the following <br /> conditional use in the B-1 district: <br /> (1) Garages for the servicing and repair of automobiles, provided repair functions are <br /> totally enclosed in a building. <br /> (2) Motor fuel stations subject to the provisions set forth in section 78-1373. <br /> (3) Restaurant(class n, in which food is served to customers while seated at counter <br /> or table, or cafeteria, in which food is selected by a customer while going through a line <br /> and taken to a table for consumption. Neither live entertainment nor intoxicating liquor <br /> sales are permitted in class I restaurants. <br /> (4) Restaurant(class II), i.e., a fast food, convenience, drive-in, or liquor store <br /> restaurant, which is a restaurant where a majority of customers order and are served their <br /> food to be consumed at a counter in packages prepared to leave the premises; or a drive- <br /> in where most customers consume their food in an automobile regardless of how it is <br /> served, or restaurants which serve intoxicating liquor or have live entertainment. <br /> (5) Off-street parking when the principal site of the off-street parking abuts on a lot <br /> which is another B or l district and is in the same ownership as the land in the B or I <br /> district and subject to those conditions as set forth in article X, division 5, of this chapter <br /> and such other conditions as found necessary by the council. <br /> (6) Public service structures, including but not limited to electric transmission lines <br /> and buildings, such as telephone exchange stations,booster or pressure stations, elevated <br /> tanks, lift stations and electric power substations. Personal wireless service and <br /> commercial broadcasting antennas and towers shall not be considered public service <br /> structures. <br /> (7) Day nurseries,provided not less than 50 square feet of outside play area per pupil <br /> is available and fenced. <br /> (8) Professional office and offices of a general nature. <br /> (9) Commercial Recreation subj ect to the provisions set forth in section 78-949 <br /> SECTION 4. Chapter 78, Article V(Conditional Uses), Division 3 of the Orono City <br /> Code is amended to read as follows: <br /> DIVISION 3. REQUIREMENTS FOR SPECIFIC USES <br /> Subdivision I. In General <br /> Sec. 78-946. Conditional use permit for essential services. <br /> A conditional use permit is required for all structures, including utility poles and rights- <br /> of-way, which are an integral part of a system for public transportation as for transmitting power, <br /> water, heat, communications, gas or sewage by any public utility. The council shall grant a <br /> conditional use permit only after a showing that the public safety, health and welfare will not be <br /> hanned by the essential services. Personal wireless services and commercial broadcasting <br /> antennas and towers shall not be eonsidered essential services. <br /> 139943 2 <br />
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