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Ord #047-3rd Ser/Amending code for commercial recreation uses/B-1
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Ord #047-3rd Ser/Amending code for commercial recreation uses/B-1
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ORDINANCE NO. 47 <br /> CITY OF ORONO <br /> HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br /> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORONO CITY CODE TO PROVIDE FOR <br /> COMMERCIAL RECREATION USES IN THE B-1 ZONING DISTRICT <br /> SECTION 1. Section 78-1 of the Orono City Code is amended to add the following <br /> definitions to the Zoning Ordinance: <br /> Amusement Center means a business at one location devoted primarily to the operation of <br /> amusement machines as defined below and open for public use and participation• or locations <br /> with four(4)or more amusements machines and open for public use and participation <br /> Amusement Machine means a mechanical amusement device of any of the following types• <br /> (a)A machine or electronic contrivance, including `Qinball"machines mechanical miniature <br /> pool tables,bowlin�ma.chines, shuffle boards electric rifle or ran�es miniature mechanical <br /> and electronic devices and�ames or amusements patterned after baseball basketball hockev and <br /> similar�ames and like devices,machines or games which mav be plaved solely for amusement <br /> and not as a �amblin�device and which devices or games are plaved by the insertion of a coin or <br /> coins or at a fee fixed and char�ed by the establishment in which such devices or machines are <br /> located, and which contain no automatic pavoff devices for the return of money coins <br /> merchandise, checks, tokens or anv other thing or item of value; provided however that such <br /> machine mav be eQuipped to permit a free pla�or game or equipped to disnense nominal prizes <br /> such as candv or tovs, or coupons or tokens redeemable for such prizes The term does not <br /> include coin-operated music machines. <br /> (b)Amusement devices desi�ned for and used exclusively as rides bv children such as but not <br /> limited to, kiddie cars, miniature airplane rides,mechanical horses and other miniature <br /> mechanical devices, not operated as a nart of or in connection with anv carnival circus show or <br /> other entertainment or exhibition. <br /> Commercial Recreation means indoor amusement centers bowling allevs billiard halls <br /> miniature �olf, roller and ice skating rinks drivin ran�es movie theaters gvms swimming <br /> pools, and snorts and health facilities. No commercial recreation use shall take nlace outside of <br /> an enclosed buildin�. An air-supvorted structure shall not be considered a building for purposes <br /> of this section. As used in this ordinance, commercial recreation does not include an adult use <br /> defined in section 78-1377(b), anv use involving the discharge of a firearm a class II restaurant <br /> that nrovides live entertainment, or anv nermitted or conditional use in the B-2 district <br /> Sports and health facilitv means a facilitv where members or nonmembers pav a fee to use <br /> equinment or snace for the nurpose of phvsical exercise or traininQ A snorts and health facili� <br /> mav include�erobics, wei�ht trainin� muscular exerciseprograms voQa Pilates court ames <br /> 139943 1 <br />
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