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MINUTES OF THE HRA MEETING <br />HELD JUNE 28, 1993 <br />ROLL <br />The HRA met on the above date with the following members present: <br />Chair Gabriel Jabbour, Charles Kelley, Edward Callahan, J. Oiann <br />Goetten and JoEllen Hurr. The following represented the City staff: <br />City Administrator Ron Moorse, Public works Director John <br />Gerhardson, and Recorder Teri Naab. Chair Jaboour called the <br />meeting to order at 7:15 P.M. <br />(#1) APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />It was moved by Goetten, seconaea oy Cai'anan. to approve the <br />minutes of the May 24. 1993 HRA meeting. Ayes 5, nays 0. <br />(#2) PAYMENT REQUEST #3 - FINAL A.U.S. COMMUNICATIONS, INC. <br />Moorse exp I a i ned this is the final .:i/ment. inciuamg the retainage <br />amount, for voice and data cabling. Everything nas been installed <br />and tested according to specifications. <br />It was moved by Caiianan. seconced by Gcetten. to approve Final <br />Payment Request #3 for A.U.S. Communications. Inc., in the amount <br />of $1,647.00. Ayes 5, nays C. <br />(•3) PAYMENT REQUEST 81 - INTEGRATED COMMUNICATIONS, INC. <br />Moorse reported this payment reflects the cost for moving and <br />expansion of the tetephone system. <br />Jabbour questioned whether the amount is to be paid by internal <br />I evy. <br />Moorse noted the portion for the Pol ice Department wi I I be paid <br />from the General Fund, the majority of the cost is paid by the <br />Bui Iding Fund. <br />It was moved by Callahan, seconded by Kel <br />Request 0* tc Integrated Communications. <br />$7,763.76. 5, nayS 0. <br />ey, to app'^ove Payment <br />Inc. in the amount of <br />(•4) CITY FACILITIES CHANGE ORDER <br />Moorse exp I ained all items have been included m the budget updates <br />under ’pending". The majority of the items were included in the <br />original plans, but during the bidding process were overlooked. <br />Hurr noted she has a difficult time with the wording "missed <br />items", and stated that is what the City hired the architect and <br />construction manager for. She stated it appears whenever a mistake <br />1