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MLNXTES OF THK ORONO PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SFSSION <br />WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1994 <br />jK- paved" but shall be provided with appropriate stormwater runoff qualitv/quantitv controls <br />^ areas change hardcover. Peterson asked if any of the marinas have aSded catc^ ^ns <br />or ha tie systems^ Gal Iron resfxvnded that Sailors World incorporated a filter system alonuMheir <br />entire sc^i wall. Mabusih added Windward and Minnetonka Boat Works have also addressed this <br />. affron noted that it is not an expensive privess but takes space which results in a site <br />i*nl^^"if th’'^ designated withi)ut paving and <br />reuu r^d numhT'T' requirements. Gaffron explained most marinas meet the <br />tquired numher of parking spaces required but the kvation of spaces do not meet the current <br />ciKle requirements. Nolan asked if there are parking problems at the marinas resulting in <br />complaints from cars parking on the streets. Gaffron stated that it is not an ever>day problem <br />Nolan questioned the 6 stalls per 10 slips parking ratio. Gaffron responded that if the spaces <br />Gal ron addressed ite code regarding 8 off-sireei parking spaces lor Ihe 1.000 s.f. of rciail and <br />additional space for each 800 s.l. and after discussion members fell ii made sense. Lee <br />Fishback noted that cruise boat problems are not identified. Gaffron explained that item D is <br />a proposed addition to the code and addresses charter boats, requiring 1 stall per 3 charter boat <br />SC3tS. <br />Gaffron proceeded to Item F regarding parking and winter storage and staled most problems <br />occur in the transition seasons in the spring and fall. ^ <br />An addition to the code is Item II pertaining to employee parking spaces. Peterson questioned <br />If It was needed. Dunn reiterated the .5 formula and said management of the inside envelope <br />and overflow issues were challenges to the marina operators. The impact of "no parking signs" <br />along neighbors property was discu.ssed and the possibility of placing "residents only parking <br />signs . suggested an appropriate parking ratio needs to be established and enforcement <br />of parking violations. Dan Crear. a resident who has lived in the area of Sailors World for a <br />numher of years, said parking has never been a problem for him. Crear expressed displeasure <br />with the ppiposal by the DNR for a ramp between two marinas on Nonh Shore Drive <br />Councilmember Jabbour clarified that the DNR purchased a piece of land for pu.dic and