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. ��:.��������� <br /> .� O,�V. <br /> O , � <br /> - �a� :- CITY of ORONO <br /> � � <br /> �� ��*'' G~' RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> L9kESH�4� NO. � 7 � � <br /> 6. - Construction and installation during 2008 will include 2 pads with connecting <br /> sidewalk and one dock. The remaining two pads and three additional docks will be <br /> installed in 2009 or later. The current request is approval for all 4 pads, the 3 <br /> connecting sidewalks, and all 4 docks, allowing the construction in future years <br /> without the need to renew the variances. <br /> 7. It is anticipated that the excavation and filling to prepare the area of the pads will be <br /> completely above the 929.4' OHW elevation. It is also anticipated that the pads can <br /> be located so as to not require filling within the defined "flood fringe", the area <br /> between the OHW and the 931.5' floodplain elevation. If filling is required below <br /> elevation 931.5' the Owner will be required to mitigate for any reductions in storage. <br /> 8. The nature, size and proposed use of the concrete pads within the scope of the <br /> proposed non-vehicular uses of the property, coupled with their minimal impact as <br /> hardcover within the 0-75' zone as compared to the total area of the 0-75' zone,does <br /> not create a need for stormwater management facilities. Additionally,the proposed <br /> low profile of the pads is not anticipated to create the need for vegetative screening. <br /> 9. The Owner has provided the following statements of hardship in support of the <br /> request: <br /> The property is an island with no vehicular access other tlian by boat. Because <br /> the propert�� is a public park, it is necessary to accornmodate the public in a <br /> safe rnanner. Construction of the landing pads will allow for a safe, stable, <br /> ADA coniplia�zt platforjn from which visitors to tlze site can disembark, as <br /> compared to merely alighti�ig on the shore, wliich would eventually cause <br /> erosion concerns as well as be unsafe for footing. Additionally, the riature of <br /> tlze docks needed to serve the public as well as niainte�iance needs of the <br /> property requires a stable base fo�• the gangways, w{iich allow for floating <br /> docks to be used that have less impact o�z the lake bed than stationary docks, <br /> and will not have to be repositioned as the lake water level fluctuates during <br /> the seaso�i. <br /> The property is being used as a public recreation area which is how it is guided <br /> i�i tlze Co�nprehensive Plan adopted by tlze City. The island nature of tlze site is <br /> unique as compared to rrcost other lakeshore properties in tlie Ciry, a�zd the <br /> public use aspects require a higlzer sta�idard of safety tlzan is rypical ofprivate <br /> residences. Tlze need for public access facilities at t/ie slzore is uriique i�a tliat <br /> Pa�e 3 of 7 <br />