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o <br />O CITY of ORONO <br />' RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. ' <br />�G <br />Also <br />That part of vacated Border Avenue as laid out and deaicated over <br />and across part of Lot 9 in said Rearranaement of Orono Point <br />which lies between the westerly line of acid Center Avenue and a <br />line drawn drawn acroas said Border Avenue apt right angles to the <br />aide lines of said Border Avenue from the point of intersection of <br />the centerline of said Border Avenue with a line deecrlbed ao fol- <br />lows: Beairhins at a point in the eenterlire of said linter Av- <br />enue distant 588.95 feet northerly of the northwest corner of said <br />Lot 5: thence southerly alone the centerline of said linter Avenuei <br />s distance of 5 feet; thence southerly and southwesterly along a <br />tansential curve to the rich: with a radius of '2121.17 feet a die - <br />Lance of 169.38 feet: thence southwesterly tangent to last Bald <br />curve a distance of 5 feet: thence southwesterly along a tansen- <br />tial curve tc the right with a radius of 440.72 feet a distance of <br />119.25 feet: thence southwesterly tangent to last said curve a <br />distance of 107.30 feet; thence southwesterly alon& a tangential <br />curve to the left with a radius of 56 feet a distance of 19.7 <br />feet: thence southerly tangent to last said curve a distance of <br />6.8 feet; thence southerly along a tangential curve to the left <br />with a radius of 169.7 feet a distance of 53.9 feet; thence scuth- <br />erly tangent to last described curve a distance of 20.5 feet: <br />thence eoutherly on a tangential curve to the left with a radius <br />of 78.1 feet to its intersection with the centerline of said Bor- <br />�tr Avenue. end earl line the" ending. <br />..Wne.31— <br />