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CITY of ORONO <br />RESOI.LMON OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />Exhibit A <br />L :rTC:^ :jf P'•• <br />NO <br />Lots : and i, Rearrar4tmtnt of Orono Point: <br />Also: that vert of Late 9 and 10, Rnarrangecent of Oron. Pont and <br />L11e &L L0tiviu t1,e,aLv I Y I ,d Glu -h6C1Y and ;matt' 1Y %� tts f:.11aw <br />Int deacrit,td lint: Camaencing at a prAnt in the ctnterline r.f <br />Center Avenue 599.95 feet northerly from the horthweet!r1Y tuner <br />rA Ltit ' , hearrwement of Orono int; thent�e a ut.-, , along <br />P <br />shit: centerline a distance of 5 1e4t; then! aouthw!tterly On a <br />tangential curve to the right with a radius of 221.17 lett a die- <br />tance of 169.38 feet; tnenae eouthwesttirly tangent to Ltid <br />described curve a dietar►ce of 5 feet; thench eGuthweettrly On e <br />twwtntthl nurvt to the richt a radius of 44'j.72 feet a dlatar,;t <br />o! 119.25 ieet; thence southwesterly tangent to aald i&at dt- <br />e,:rit?td clirvt h 41et&nce of 107.3 feet: thar.:,e westerly making an <br />er.ale of 44 degrees 42 minutbs to tht right a dlatar,ce of 19.3 <br />feet to the score of Lake MinnetorM and there tecninaticg; eub- <br />,?act to Border Avenue as Opened fly EK#ment rvi. 2092995: <br />Aleo that part of vacated Center Avenue as said Censer Averr,:e was <br />dedicated to the Wblic in the plat fit Mtrrengtxent of riz-ono <br />point. lying southerly of the westerly e7ttenalon of the northerly <br />11ne of Lot 4, said Ratrrangewnt of cervi c,int and nrirtherly of <br />a lir.t drawn wbeteriv perpendicular to the west lire e.1 said Let 4 <br />from a v)irt on said west lisle dietart 162.29 feat northerly Srae <br />the aow hleet corner of said Lnt 4. hlso teat pars of the westerly <br />ra1f of vacated Center Avenue lying southerly of ea.1d hbuve do- <br />ecritr►d tsr.•+ndi.ulhr line; and 4180 %Mt i.e.rt of the weeterly <br />hnif of va:ated Gsnttr P.venue 1yirg northerly of tele w,�etorly ex- <br />tension of the northerly lire of said Lot 4 and lylna ar,uthtrly of <br />e line drawn eaaterly at right angles rto elle westerly 11re O: said <br />vacated Center Avenue from the point of irteraertion of said west- <br />erly line with a line drawn 10 f+tit easterly of tht following de- <br />scribed line: Commenoing at a point in thb centerline Of Bald Cbn- <br />ter Avenue distant 588.95 Lett northerly from the northwesterly <br />corner of aald Lot 5: thence southerly along said centerlins a <br />distance of 5 feet to the point of btginninz o1 the litre being de- <br />scribed; thence aouthw•eterlY along a tangential curve to the <br />right with a radius of 221.17 feet a dist&=t of 169.38 feet, and <br />said line thert ending. <br />